Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Is Malaysia really a hub for human trafficking?

I refer to your report, Sex Slaves Freed, and first of all would like to commend the police for busting up some slave trade activities in the country. However praiseworthy this deed is, I believe it's just addressing the symptoms of the problem, and at worse, it just indirectly confirms the increasingly negative perception of the international community that Malaysia is indeed a hub for human trafficking, among other things.

In this instance, since Malaysia was the second destination, after initially being sent to 'work' in China, it amazes me to think of the ease that the human traffickers manage to 'smuggle' 21 savagely abused and beaten women into our country, fooling our alert Immigration officials, and even the airport security who are on a 24 hour surveillance of all entry points into our country.

The question that the Polis should be asking is, 'How do the traffickers manage to subdue these women, who are desperate to escape from a living hell, when they have to go through immigration, airport security and a public place?' I am sure the public would also like to know the answer.

Sex ring bust only addressing the symptoms

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