Sunday, 5 January 2014

Cost cutting measures a farce?

Coming from the recent Government announcement of 11 cost cutting measures, including cuts on travel and entertainment allowances of civil servants and the cessation of all Government renovation works, this announcement that 100,000 public sector posts to be filled is indeed a surprise!

100,000 posts will represent a further increase of close to 10% of an already BLOATED public sector, not including those thousands in the GLCs. Imagine the burden on our future generations, the pension and other liabilities that the Government has to fork out.

The public will have a right to question if the Government's announced measures to cut cost is done in all sincerity, or is it, as many like to say just 'sandiwara'?

100,000 Government vacancies a surprise

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Malaysia's top brass not corrupt, says Dato Zaid???

Joke of the month by Datuk Zaid Ibrahim

" Malaysia is of course free of corrupt practices amongst top civil servants, political leaders, police officers and judges. This probably explains why we have not heard of any “big fish” being hauled up except for a few discredited former grandees. "