Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Malaysia, haven for Gambling?
Are we taking effective actions to curb this gambling menace, or are we, to quote an erstwhile famous politician, "closing one eye" to this new internet 'business' in town? It takes very little intelligence to realise that, the next step that will be taken by these "operators" is to provide exactly the same 'mini casinos' right in the comfort of our homes. What can we do about this.?
Monday, 29 June 2009
"Brainy" people
YB Tan Sri,
Reading your comment to the question, extracted for ease of reference below, Service with an attitude I must say that you certainly know how to 'skew' some facts to justify the government's failings. While I do not dispute the fact that the 'smarter' non Malays have always opted for the private sector, I think it's a grave fallacy to think that the Malays in the civil service got promoted because they are 'brainier'!! How do you explain those non Malays, in spite of better performance and better confidential reports, STILL get overlooked for promotions, ALL the time in the Civil Service. Ask me, I can provide Tan Sri with some 'live' examples. And I leave it to my friends to comment on your statement that the Malays got promoted in the Civil Service because they are brainier.
Extract..(underline, mine) "Why do you think people are not applying? Is it because the non-Malays believe their prospects will not be so good?If you are talking about perception, please help me address that with the public. When I joined the civil service in 1974, I had 10 Malay housemates. Some of us had received degrees with honours, but none of us had first-class or second-class upper honours. I got second-class lower.
Some of my housemates got general degrees and couldn’t join the government. So, the best Malay brains joined the government. Those who got general degrees joined the banks and the MNCs (multinational corporations). My Chinese friends who had done well (in university), joined their fathers’ companies or the MNCs, or started their own businesses.
The not-so-clever ones joined the government. So when there are so many Malays in civil service – and the best ones at that – who joined the government, who gets promoted? The brainy Malays, of course.
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
August 18; D-Day for Rogue Bus Drivers??
We, the public hope this time, the public menace will be gone for good, and come the next Holidays, we will not see a long list of fatalities due to these reckless drivers again. Let us all make this work..
Putting the brakes on bus drivers
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Glucosamine... Don't be fooled.!
Extract..." There are also numerous natural treatments and herbs which effectively relief pain in the same manner as synthetic BRMs. Amongst them are boswellia tree extract, celadrin, devil’s claw, cat’s claw, evening primrose herb, ginger, turmeric and olive phenols. The best part? Many of these natural treatments have little or no side-effects...."
To those of you, who have been listening to your doctors, and have been faithfully swallowing those Glucosamine/chondrotin pills for your painful knees, I am glad finally there is a definitive study to show that at best, imbibing these pills have just a placebo effect. And some of you maybe allergic to the stuff, as glucosamine is manufactured from sea shells... Just look at the alternatve remedies, like Ginger, Turmeric and Olive Oil...They are healthier, and taste good too..
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Treating the symptoms, not the disease, that's Malaysia
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Malaysia's Electronic Toll Collections; where is it going?
- By Gantry system, do you mean the vehicles can pass at around 100kph in any lane under the Gantry, or do they have to pass under the gantry but only at designated lanes, just as the present Touch N Go and Smartag systems force the cars to do so? is 110kph a safe speed to do so, if the lanes are restricted, and is it also safe for those who use the Gantry system to speed in the vicinity of those who are paying cash, T &G, and Smartag. At present, we know that even with Smartag, it's dangerous to drive more than 30kph when approaching the toll plaza.
- As reported, under the new Gantry system, cars have to purchase PREpaid cards to be installed in the vehicles, to be sensed eletronically by the Gantry's transponders. Pray tell me, what is the difference with this payment method against the existing T & G and th Smartag systems, which is only an infra red touch n go reader, anyway.. To use the new prepaid cards, which we assume is not Touch n Go, do the car owners have to also buy new readers, which presumably can be accurately read while the vehicle is speeding approximately 100kph under the Gantry.
- Under the Gantry system, which is supposed to allow the dispersal of vehicles speedily at the toll plaza bottle necks, it is then assumed that there are no lane barriers to stop the vehicles with expired prepaid cards, or prepaid cards with insufficient balances. How do the authorities prevent the passage of vehicles with invalid prepaid cards, and more pertinent to ask is, how will the authorities prevent those vehicles to go through without any prepaid card at all... Are the Gantries to be installed for Open or Closed Toll collections? The present Touch N Go is flexible, as it can be used for both modes of collection.
- When the new Gantry system is implemented, will the Touch N Go and Smartag systems still be in place? If so, won't the public have another problem to face at the toll plazas, when these 3 systems "fight" for the right of way? Will the concessionaires be burdened with additional infrastructure costs, and finally will the public be asked to purchase another 'reader' on top of the Smartag?
I think we harrassed users of the expressway need a good explanation, dont you think so Editors?
Can you build a golf course on a 30% slope?
- If only 30% of the land is suitable for development, and the rest of the land is too steep, how do you propose to build the Golf course on the slopes? I am not a golf player, but I am an avid golf fan,(I even know that an "albatross" can only be achieved on a par 5 hole), and I wonder how do you play on Greens that are sloping? What about water hazards and ponds? How do you build water holes on slopes? How do you travel from one hole to the next? By Cable Car? If you have to 'level' the slopes for the greens, will you not be ACTUALLY destroying the slopes and even the Highlands itself?
- By building on only the 30% of the available flat land, will you STILL NOT destroy the surrounding area, while you are "developing" it??
- Was the land that YNH purchased previously part of the Pahang Forest Reserve, and if it were, when was it "declassified"?
- Will there be an EIA study commissioned, and the Report made available to the authorities and to the Public, before the project is allowed to kick off?
Rogue Bus Drivers and Indifferent Authorities
When will Malaysians ever learn to care? I have also written to the Ministry of Transport more than a year back, on the necessity to physically limit the speed of express buses, and I was told then by Dato Suret singh the Ministry was studying a prototype. I am sure the Ministry do not take more than 2 years to "study a prototype"??
The Ministry, the Police and the Bus owners should sit down and act on this. Do not let the 'screams' of profits drown our consciences
Water Wastage: State Govt the biggest culprit
In addition to advising residents not to wash cars and water gardens using hoses but to use buckets, it would be also timely for the authorities to suggest the following:
- Do not take showers for longer than 5 minutes
- Maintain all pipes and cisterns at the TOILETS of all food outlets, restaurants, public places, places of worship, wholesale markets and construction sites, and ensure they the function properly and do not leak.
Veiled View of Equal Rights.
When men admit to weakness in order to justify supremacy – as in women should cover themselves so that men cannot be tempted – you have to wonder who are the disabled beings here....".
".........................The worst part of all this is that attitudes such as these are not limited to political parties who want to impose a mono-religious form of government.These attitudes also exist among those who otherwise put themselves in opposition to such a party.You hear the same things at their general assemblies as well.The danger is that these entities want to engage one another.To engage, one seeks to find common ground. Is discrimination against women one of them?...."
Dear Marina,
I am emailing this column to my friends who do not read The Star, (and to those who read only the Sports pages and the Obituaries), as I feel the silent majority of males also agree to your comments. Nail on the head, and that is why it's so scary. Your column also bring to my mind the 2 occasions that your Dad has stated that he fears that we Malaysians are becoming more STUPID. The first was when he said that we are allowing intelligent Malaysians to leave the country but at the same time we 'import' the not so smart foreigners to mess our country up. The second occasion was more recent, when he almost pleaded for us NOT to forsake learning the English Language, stating that, if that were done, Malaysians would again become stupid. I would only disagree with him on the time frame, as I feel that we Malaysians are already stupid now.
On a more personal note, I am wondering how those 'Other' political parties in the coalition must now feel, and those women who have voted for change in the March 8 elections!