Thursday, 17 September 2009

Online Gambling... a Curse??

I have read the letter Legalise online gambling, by Ken Ng and would like to provide further views on this issue, which if not properly resolved, will have far reaching impact of the economic and social health of our society. While it is true that it will be quite difficult to eradicate Online Gambling because of the pervasiveness of the Internet, and its exponentially growing popularity, it is also true that uncontrolled gambling will destroy the moral fibre of our society. The writer has correctly mentioned that the Govt, through the Home Ministry and Bank Negara will do its utmost to stem its spread. With tough laws and tougher (and incorruptible) enforcement, online gambling can be retarded, if not eliminated. Having clear and tough laws that prohibit financial institutions and banks from supporting ANY FORM of fund transfer relating to any gambling site, having the Police (eg Bukit Aman's D7 unit) manned by honest and fearless officers who understand the destruction that online gambling can cause to our denizens, we can ensure that online gambling do not take a foothold in the country. It might be good for us to realise that although Malaysia allows certain types of gambling to be patronised here (casino, horse races, numbers forecast, sweepstakes and Lotto), they are permitted to do so on a CONTROLLED basis; that is, those who knowingly want to gamble would know where to go. Gambling companies are not allowed to "lure" unsuspecting or innocent bystanders to partake in the betting. In short, you just cannot gamble anywhere you like. Now, if we allow online gambling to take root, think of the moral consequences and the loss of productive time, besides the innocents getting trapped in the quagmire on a daily basis. Anyone with a computer, a notebook, and very soon a Mobile Phone will be able to gamble ANYTIME and anywhere. Will such pervasiveness of Internet Gambling not have a terrible negative impact on our population? Will an increase of Govt revenue atone for the loss of integrity and morality in our citizens, especially in our youths? Think about it

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