Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Malaysia's Path to Destruction..

I must commend the Star for another very good effort in exposing the seeming nonchalant attitudes taken by the Govt in protecting the assets of the country, in the feature >>PATH TO DESTRUCTION but I must say, even the Star seems to be knocking its head against a very hard rock. The perils that you rightfully warned the readers against, ie loss of catchment area, nasty run offs, destruction of forests, less drinking water etc.appear not the be the concerns of the authorities at all. Reading through the column slowly, I appreciate the details that you have managed to piece together to make a very worrying read. In particular, I must ask the authorities the following questions which I hope The Star would be able to get a response:
  • It was mentioned that the new highway would cut through the Gombak, Ampang ahd Hulu Langat Forest Reserves.. My question is.. If these areas have already been designated as a Reserve, who has the legal as well as moral authority to destroy them? If Reserves are designated precisely with the reason to protect them for posterity, why are they being destroyed now? Are we enacting such legislation, JUST FOR FUN and for immoral politicians to make use of? Why do we have to sign petitions and beg the Prime Minister to intervene? Until we begin to treat violation of Forest reserves a a crime against the nation, we will not see the end of all such dastardly acts.
  • It would be nice, if The Star could detail what the EIA study has concluded on the impact of the construction of the highway on the water catchment capacity of the area. It does not require any expert on environmental study to observe that the removing or trees and vegetation from the reserve will just reduce its capacity to act as a holding storage for rainwater. Trees and vegetation hold a tremendous amount of water during heavy rains, and slowly release it to the rivers and the reservoir. Lack of such vegetation will cause, as you have mentioned it, nasty run offs, besides, losing much valued potable water. My question here is, can the EIA study have ANY OTHER CONCLUSION, other than construction of the highway will be highly dangerous for the future of the water supply of our Selangor denizens.
  • What about the trees that are cut? Who owns them and the revenue they bring in as Logs.??
You know Mr Editor, I have to take my hat off to your staff for soldiering on and doing such excellent investigative journalism, but it will look again to me, this will be another drop of water off a duck's back!

People First, Performance Now?.... Hah

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