Wednesday, 22 December 2010

unease over temporary licences for Swiftlet farms

Reading this news report cautiously, Temporary licences for Swiftlet farms? , I just cannot help but feel that the State Government is, at best, taking the lazy way out of a serious problem, and at worst, 'pulling wool over our eyes' legalizing an issue that potentially causes much harm to our environment, thus abrogating its social responsibility.

How much licensing revenue can the State Govt. hope to collect? It will be a pittance, compared to the profits that will be made by the swiftlet business operators. The more important question the public should ask regarding this licensing move, is "How long have these operators been doing this illegal business, and have they been conducting their businesses in a manner that does minimum harm to the environment, and does not destroy the peace and equanimity of the areas from which they operate?" If no guidelines on swiftlet farming have existed till now, does it mean the State govt is condoning such activites, even though they damage the environment, and cause distress to the rakyat living close to the businesses. What will happen to those outlets that are now covered by 'legal' licences, but which when the guidelines are promulgated in 6 months' time, they are found to be in breach?

If one was to make a trip to Muar, or to Sitiawan, for example, one can actually see some of those ugly blocks of 'swiftlet outlets' all around the town, with swiftlet songs being piped into those buildings 24 hours a day.... You wonder if such outlets actually comply with the basic health requirements of a local authority, and more importantly, if the rakyat staying around those outlets are affected by the droppings and filth emanating from those outlets.

Then there is also the issue that if the swiftlet outlets were built in remote areas, will they cause a danger to aircraft flying nearby, as we know that "bird strikes" on aircrafts landing or taking off can be disastrous...

Let's hope the Selangor State Govt will be more circumspect in this matter.

unease over temporary licences for Swiftlet farms

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