Saturday, 7 May 2011

Sabah may be the first state to ban shark hunting

Kudos to the Sabah State Government for being the first State in Malaysia to announce a likely ban on shark hunting Sabah may be the first state to ban shark hunting to "harvest" the shark fins. In view of my appeal in April for 100% of Malaysians to avoid taking sharksfin soup the efforts of the State Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister to educate the people to avoid the dish for conservation's sake must be vigorously supported by all, and I hope a decision can be taken that will transcend selfish monetary interests for the better good of the country and the preservation of an endangered species for the future.

I also hope that other littoral States in Malaysia will follow the lead of Sabah, and may we achieve a total ban on Shark hunting in the near future.

Let Malaysia take the lead.

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