Sunday 17 July 2011

slow start to alien registration

Reading this news that only Over 7,000 legal workers registered in biometric system in 3 days looks like it's a VERY slow process. Doing a simple mental arithmetic, completing the registration of 2 million Legal workers, (not including maids??), the whole exercise would take almost 3 years, not including Sundays!!! How are the maids to be registered then?

I am just wondering how the Amnesty exercise for the illegals are going to work out.. Do they stay illegal for three years, or will they be deported, or is the amnesty in force for the whole duration, as this will take more than three years, unless thousands of "authorised agents" are appointed.

It sure looks like a big mess to me, and I think the concerned public would like to get some clarifications, and of course, I would breathe a huge sigh of relief, if I am proven terribly wrong

need to hasten registration of alien workersLink

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