Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Welfare bodies being run like businesses to get donors

I refer to your report Welfare bodies being run like businesses to get donors and agree that it's getting more difficult by the day for the welfare institutions to obtain assistance from the public, the main reasons being the skyrocketing cost of living in the City, and the difficulty in differentiating those desperate institutions that sorely need help and those that may receive regular funds from Government bodies and large corporations.

The public would be well served by organisations that can provide such updated information, and in this matter, the efforts made by non profit organisations such as www.Hati.org.my which is in effect a "one stop shop" for all welfare institutions in Malaysia, highlighting their functions and their needs, is much appreciated and is to be further encouraged.

The poor, the disabled and the under privileged among us deserve all the help they can get, and I really hope to see that mainstream papers like The Star and the others actively ensure that such efforts to help the needy would be vigorously supported.
Helpful Website 

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