Friday, 10 February 2012

Condos on the hills,

If you read between the lines of this report>>Condos on the hills, you will find that behind the marketing hullabaloo lies a sinister disclosure, hidden among the usual euphemistic phrases, to dull the public into believing that the company has big CSR responsibilities. Quotes:.. "Located adjacent to the Bukit Lanjan Forest Reserve, Damansara Foresta comprises 42 acres of which only 50% will be developed.".... " The salient point about Foresta is the contours of the land. About half of the 42 acres are class three and four slopes where development is not allowed to take place. Only class one and two slopes can be developed. Slopes are divided into four classes class one for slopes below 15 degrees, class two between 15 and 25 degrees, class three between 25 and 35 degrees and class four, above 35 degrees. "
From decades of frustrating public observation, since when have developers NOT developed slopes above 35%, when these dangerous slopes are adjacent to and concatenates with the valuable land that is being sold to upmarket buyers. Witness the Highland Tower tragedy, and the encroachment of development of the 'dangerous' slopes in Damansara heights, among many others in the City and elsewhere.

To me, all these public statements are made to lull the authorities into agreeing to allow the whole area to be developed, and once "in", it's like the proverbial camel sticking its leg into the Arab tent.. Very soon the whole camel will be inside the tent, and the Arab kicked out!

Malaysian businessmen and politicians, by and large do not have the moral backbone to protect the country and the environment, and are only driven by lascivious greed to destroy it.

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