Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Provide actual meter readings monthly

Reading this letter in the Star today,>> Provide actual meter readings monthly by a 'Domestic Consumer', it is obvious that in spite of numerous appeals for a more equitable form of billing the customer published regularly in your paper, such as, 'have power meter readings monthly', 'continue with monthly power reading' and 'ensure "green levy" is based on monthly bills' {from November 2011 till now} the TNB has chosen to ignore the clamour from frustrated users, and have apparently ridden rough shod over the complaints.

As mentioned in those letters from the public, NOT having regular and fixed monthly readings of our power consumption, but alternately imposing higher estimates on our usage is tantamount to charging us unfairly on higher rates for fictitious power units that we NEVER consume at the time of billing. This is because of the sliding rates imposed by TNB in order to discourage high consumption. Thus, higher estimated billing will unfairly push the consumer to pay higher tariffs, (e.g. over 300 kwh per month), and now, with the RE Act 2011 already in place, also a higher 1% levy for the RE Fund.

It is also clear from the letter that the TNB has not done its job in explaining the 1% levy due to the “Kumpulan Wang Tenaga Boleh Baharu” or the Renewable Energy Levy

I hope those who have the authority to act will do so to protect us the power consumers, and not allow a monopolistic body to do what it thinks it's expedient to do so on the helpless public.
Bimonthly readings unfair to the public

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