Sunday, 14 October 2012

Haphazard parking in PJaya

It is obvious that the residents of Petaling Jaya have welcomed the One-way loop proposal for four major roads in PJ  as they are really fed up with the traffic mess they have to face daily. With the expected national annual increase of 600,000 vehicles on the road, there would have been no respite to their commuting woes.

However, I would like to suggest to the authorities that a good system is ONLY as good as it's maintained. At the present moment, traffic on this 'loop' can be much improved if the the authorities would maintain strict vigilance against haphazard parking at these areas:

  1. Jalan Yong Shook Lin, the stretch from the TNB building to the overhead pedestrian bridge near the former National Registration Dept
  2. Jalan Semangat, outside Jaya 33
  3. Jalan Barat, from KFC to Courts, opposite the PJ Hilton.
If these stretches are diligently cleared of illegal parking, which blocks up to half the road stretches sometimes, traffic would be eased.
Can we do that, while we continue debate on the "proposed loop"??

Stop haphazard parking in PJ 

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