Thursday 18 April 2013

Religious Bigotry in Malaysia

Reading this letter from Austin Gonzales,>>Is Bishop Paul Tan being insensitive and callous? it would seem to me that our politics has taken a turn for the worse, and has reached the sorry state, where religious bigotry is not the sole preserve of Ibrahim Ali and his PERKASA boss and cohorts! What a sad day this is for Malaysia! There is now, no more "shades of grey", just black and white; if you are white, then I am black. Politicians, and even the citizenry have now resorted to the mindset, "Nothing you do can be right, only all the things that I do are infallible"

The GE13 will turn out to be our "Venezuelan Spring",...... think about it....... :(

"Remember that Joseph and Mary had to travel by donkey for days to reach Bethlehem to register for the census but they did not complain...."

Why argue over polling day?

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