Sunday, 21 July 2013

Who owns Malaysia, and toxic distrust....

Of course I knew what you meant, and I am not keen in debating the issue of "who came first".. Some say Prameswara died a Hindu or Buddhist? Why didn't he get up from his fat butt, and convert the whole nation at that time, and allow the Arab traders, and some Kutty guy from Chennai to 'do the damage'? Admiral Cheng Ho acknowledged the Muslim rule and authority when he arrived in Malacaa, he purportedly even gave away 'princesses' to the Sultans.. If we keep on 'fighting' who ''owns'' the country, remember, Australia is now owned by the Convicts UK, Anglo Saxons own Maori New Zealand, etc .. Taking it even further, all of us should claim ownership of Africa, as it seems the first human came  from that continent? Should the Red Indians claim back America? Obama shouldn't even be President, as he was 'imported'.. there should be a rational end to this bickering, and just because we are fed up with the corrupt BN govt it shouldn't mean we should not accept the Muslim 'lineage'... The Star says today, 'we can't move forward with suspicious minds' but I would think 'suspicious minds' is too mild a phrase to describe our relationships in this country; a better phrase would be 'toxic distrust'. When will we say, Yes we are different, but let's try to live together and accept one another. The Star also said "...The British magazine added: “More so than at independence, it is lamented, the different races learn in separate schools, eat separately, work separately and socialise separately. Some are asking: is there really such a thing as a Malaysian?” That was six years ago. How do we answer that now? ..."

The really sad thing about this country is that we cannot even eat and drink together. A lot of people can only eat halal food, quite a few cannot eat beef, even best friends who come to your house don't drink from your cups, because they maybe unclean, and drink only Yeo Hiap Seng Soya packet drinks, from straws?

In Iraq and Pakistan, Shiites and Sunnis kill each other even in mosques, so you can imagine how hard it is for us to unite the country...

Finally, it was shown conclusively in Discovery that the Irish went to America, long before Columbus. And why should Britain have any legitimate claim to Falklands, and China's claim to Spratley's is a big joke! Even an island 80km from Sabah is claimed by China...

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