Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Racial polarization in Malaysia, politicians are responsible

I read this letter Lack of unity among young Malaysians worrying by NUR AQILAH MIZA ZULKIFLI with some hope that there are still some rational and right thinking Malaysians showing concern with the growing polarization that is gripping the country. I am also very concerned with the many mindless and provocative remarks posted by the young people in the Social Media, and as can be seen from such postings, young Malaysians ape their parents and the older generations. The main culprits for such 'goading' of the young minds are the politicians themselves, who directly or through so called NGOs make exceedingly provocative and seditious remarks. The really sad part of all these is the 'unthinking' way these politicians and NGOs announce their views in the mainstream and internet news media. It is a bit surprising, but maybe good for the country, that some of the younger upcoming politicians seem to be much more rational and unbiased towards race and religion.

The Government, and the anointed NGOs should really stop playing with fire and start thinking about the future of the country as a whole. If we cannot unite the youth through a unified Education system, and a floundering National Service programme, the least the politicians could do is to 'count to ten' before opening their mouths.

Glad for right thinking Malaysians

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