Thursday, 10 December 2009

Exercise, Chest pains and Heart problems...

During our walk this morning, we talked about how some specialists seem to be specialized in grabbing our money, and serendipitously, this letter appeared in The Star, Heart conditions: GO FOR TESTS ONLY WHEN NECESSARY from which is the confirmation that most of our doctors behave more like vultures than caring professionals.. I quote... " When Malaysian cardiologists order such tests, they should do so according to internationally recognised guidelines. If they do not, one might be tempted to think that they are being over-influenced by financial considerations..." Need I say more. Relating to your temporary discomfort that commences at the start of the walk AND WHICH DISAPPEARS LATER AFTER YOU HAVE SUFFICIENTLY WARMED UP, you may want to look at this Exercise Induced Asthma.. and since the exhaustive tests by specialists have confirmed you are in optimum health for your age, there is nothing to worry about. There is also an alternative treatment for people who previously have sought to do angioplasty and the expensive stents. Have a look at this with an open mind. chelation therapy for coronary heart diseases. I have a very good friend who went for this to remove blockages in his artery and he is still fit and well after 13 years of the treatment.

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