Saturday, 5 December 2009

World Financial Crisis... who pays??

A very simply written column that almost everyone will understand, though a fat lot of good it will do to us.... Governments exist to "help" those who should be "shot" and even Obama's efforts now seem Machiavellian :-( ....A year in Crisis-- who pays?

  1. The tragedy with very low yields on stocks, real estate, bonds and zero deposit rates is that the super saver has very little income to retire on.
  2. For those savers whose returns are not higher than the inflation rate, they will share the burden of the inflation tax.
  3. What is quite clear is that most of the world is going to pay for this crisis. So, please send a Christmas card to those Wall Street bankers who are enjoying record bonuses to remind them that all of us are paying for their party.

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