Saturday, 26 June 2010

Malaysia's unsavoury reputation confirmed??

Reading the headline news in The Sunday Star concerning foreign workers being totally exploited in the New Palace construction Foreigners work lke Slaves building the NEW PALACE.. and also more news inside about foreigners forced to work illegally 8 filipinas rescued from Night Club.... it is not surprising at all the Malaysia has big problems trying to live down its image of a country that is becoming the hub of illegal human trafficking and worse, is practicing and "encouraging" slave labour. If in the construction of a project "fit for a King", we seem to ignore the basic rights of human beings, what will the global community think of us? On the other hand, the Police have their hands full in the almost daily raids at entertainment outlets all over the country, where inevitably, female foreign workers are found, most working against their will. How can such large numbers of "human traffic" pass through our country each day, apparently undetected?

Sadly, these cases in the news are just the 'tip of the iceberg' of a situation that is happening all over the country with the Govt seemingly helpless to stem the tide.

Admittedly it is very very difficult for the Govt to stamp out human trafficking and slave labour in our country, if big businesses, as well as rich individuals think that treating a fellow human badly in the name of profit and expedience is a natural thing to do, and too bad for those who are deprived. Under such circumstances, only punitive laws will stop such selfish and barbaric acts, ALONG WITH SWIFT AND INCORRUPTIBLE ENFORCEMENT

It is a sad day indeed for Malaysia if we allow our efforts to move our country forward to be driven by the continuous 'infusion' of such exploitative labour, and our "entertainment" industry to be fueled by "slaves" imported by heartless Slave traders.

Despicable--treating foreigners like Slaves

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