Sunday, 27 March 2011

war on illegal loggers

While we laud the Minister's statement in the report ,Govt going all out to chop down illegal loggers, that the Government has declared war on illegal loggers who are saboteurs of the country’s environmental conservation efforts, I feel that it will still be an uphill task for the Ministry to undertake.

Besides stamping out the activities of illegal loggers through the implementation of stricter laws, effective surveillance and principled monitoring by the Ministry's officials are extremely necessary for the laws to do their part.

The Ministry should also strictly monitor the LEGAL loggers, who though they have approved licenses to log in certain areas, will encroach covertly into the protected areas on the pretext of legal logging. Such moves are admittedly difficult to detect, and it is only through honest surveillance that the Government can limit the damage to our reserves and the environment.

Lastly, the Government should study in depth the proposals put up by those legal loggers on sustainable forest development, and also ask ourselves this question. Can we ever replace a pristine 100 year old tree with a new sapling, and on the future of our forests, will there be a time when the Government calls for a moratorium on logging of Virgin forests, and limit logging to areas that have been 'reforested'. The present policy of State Governments giving away new forest land for logging will see the death of our forests,...

Think about it

keep a sharp lookout for illegal logging

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