Monday, 4 April 2011

Don't shift the blame to Alam Flora

I refer to your report, Alam Flora told to axe errant contractors, and while I feel that some Alam Flora contractors have been indifferent in their jobs, the 'couldn't care less' and totally selfish attitudes of most residents need to be addressed. How would you expect the Alam Flora contractors to do a proper job, when they are already undermanned and under equipped, and on top of that the residents and businessmen do not cooperate to make rubbish collection a more methodical chore. Examples of the selfish attitudes are:
  • Residents NOT using proper dustbins, and just scatter their rubbish in loosely tied plastic bags all over the place, especially at corners of quiet areas
  • Residents NOT doing their bit to separate their waste into recyclable, non-recyclable and food waste
  • residents who deliberately throw their Rubbish next to the bins allocated for the purpose, and not inside the bins themselves,
  • Residents who don't take out the rubbish according to designated collection days,
  • Residents, businessmen, foreign workers, and students who use drains and roadways as rubbish dumps for their empty plastic bags, Styrofoam containers, cigarette boxes, etc
  • people who throw rubbish out of moving vehicles
  • Hawkers who use backlanes to wash and throw away food waste, attracting rats and cockroaches
  • people who leave old mattresses, side tables, broken chairs, fans, etc., along the roadside, expecting Alam Flora to pick them up,
  • and many other ugly habits
We need also ways to inculcate caring attitudes into our residents, people who appreciate others who do the 'dirty' work for them, and not treat the whole country side like a landfill

Residents should cooperate in getting rid of rubbish

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