Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Is Malaysia the dirtiest nation in SE Asia??

Reading this bit of news, 11 police trainees treated for flu like illness really made us wonder if Malaysia is not the dirtiest country in the region. At first it would seem like only all the Police and Army training centres are dirty, as according the Minister of Health, the adenovirus and the H1N1 viruses are everywhere and he has emphasised that only clean and well ventilated premises will help check the spread of this scourge. The frequency of trainees getting dangerously ill at these training centres make us wonder if those responsible for the maintenance of the training centres know anything about cleanliness and the prevention of disease.

However, when such negligence is viewed against the larger picture of our dirty eateries, the incidence of leptospirosis in rubbish laden camping sites, and the frequent complaints by local and foreign tourists of our faeces filled toilets, these 'facts' give justification to our notoriety.

It is difficult for academics and cultural analysts to explain why Malaysians have such dirty habits. Could it be that all of us, at one time or another come from another country, and except for the Orang Asli, cannot feel sufficient "ownership" to the land we now call Home, or as one of my learned friends has postulated , it's because of our dependency on foreign workers that we have 'inherited' a mentality that is uncaring and indifferent. For example, what sort of future generations that will inherit Malaysia, when in their formative years, they are looked after by maids who have not even seen a flush toilet, or who think that monsoon drains and the floor are places you can throw your garbage in?

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