In my opinion, the comments are very unfair to MAHB, and some balanced counter views are required. First of all, since AirAsia and Sime Darby did not get to build the airport to be owned by Air Asia, we will not know if that airport at Labu was going to be built on time, and within the budget. As to the claim that an AA owned airport would in turn mean lower charges, the spokesman conveniently forgot to mention that the lower charges will benefit Air Asia only, and given the carrier's inherent arrogance to slap additional charges on the passengers unilaterally and without warning, would the passengers gain anything by it. On the claim that MAHB unilaterally introduce higher airport charges, did AA ask itself, if the public was consulted when it introduced,
- fee for booking seats
- additional fee for booking 'good' seats
- fee for check in baggage
- fee for telephoning AA's hotline to complain about bad services
- and now the latest, fee for NOT checking online and using the check in counter
- fee for changing flights
- administration fee
- etc etc {view all such fees at}
- Non flight public have to pay an entrance fee to enter the the airport lobby
- Passengers have to pay for toilet use, and toilet paper will be charged on a per-piece basis
- Drinking water at the water fountains will be at RM1 per squirt
- Wheelchairs will be leased out at RM20 per time, and extra payment is required if you need someone to push the disabled or sick passenger
- Bus services from the gates to the plane will be charged at RM2 per passenger
- If umbrellas are needed in the rainy season, a levy will be imposed
- Taxis will be charged a RM5 waiting fee
- Chairs can be hired at the lobby, if passengers get tired waiting for the flights
- If the airport is too warm, hand fans maybe be hired by passeners
- Smoking rooms are at RM10 per entry
- other fees that AA deem fit to impose from time to time....{and it will}
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