Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Chinese groups ask wrong question

Hello Dr Wee,
I saw the news on TV7 >> Dr Wee: My duty to listen to problems of the community and I admit I was saddened by the behavior, and the bigotry and immaturity of the Chinese who were present. I do not know the exact 'semantics' of the issue, ie the removal of non Mandarin teachers in Chinese vernacular schools, and/or the shortage of Mandarin speaking teachers.  I think those Chinese who propound that view are too narrow minded and arrogant. WE must fight relentlessly for injustice that has been served on our community, but in Malaysia, if we truly want to live graciously,and in harmony, the question to ask is not for the removal on non Mandarin teachers from Chinese schools, BUT to raise the question on why the number of non Malay teachers fall so far short of the National  ethnic ratio. If the recruitment of teachers have been impartially made in accordance of the racial composition of the country, we would have sufficient teachers for any scenario. So let's address the issue in the right way, and not behave so perversely.

Additionally, I do not agree that a Bahasa Malaysia teacher in a Chinese school must be Mandarin speaking, nor even a Mathematics teacher, if the teaching medium is in English.

We protest and cry when the UMNO provocateurs stir up the racial and religious emotion at every turn, but are we any better?

I am happy for the restraint shown by Dr Wee.

 Chinese groups ask wrong question

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