Thursday, 8 October 2009

Malaysia a "politically maturing" society??

MCA battle enters its final round

Extract... " The public punishes even the slightest indiscretion. Tainted leaders are condemned, discredited and hounded out of office without mercy. An example is what happened to Shoichi Nakagawa, a rising Japanese leader of prime minister material who quit as finance minister after appearing to slur at a press conference in April. Nakagawa, who was found dead on Sunday of yet unknown causes, apologised and resigned for the mere appearance of slurred speech. It cost Nakagawa his job and his career, what more a big-sized sex scandal like the one that hit Dr Chua in 2007...."
Dear Barada,
I think most of of us, who do not care a hoot about MCA and its shenangins, (those members putting self interest over national interests), cannot but detect that your article is biased, to say the least. The MCA president must be pleased. I actually do not have any dislike for Dato OTK, but I am not particularly fond of Dato CSL either, though I feel he could have been a moderately successful "actor" in some movies. But I am writing to dispute your view that we are maturing society (though chronologically speaking I agree), and that we will not stand for any "tainted" politician or Government official to continue holding on to his position. You further illustrated this by describing what the Japanese Minister S. Nakagawa did, to the extent that he may have taken his life for some drunken impropriety while represnting the country. Give us a break!!! I am sure you have read all the news in the mainstream media, but mainly on the Internet, that our politicians are still alive and kicking after being deluged by all sorts of scandals and crimes, like rape of young girls, blatant corruption, staying in residences far beyond what their proven wealth would allow, alleged murders, being caught wearing only a towel with a young actress, overseas "training" junkets using Govt funds, proven to be involved in money politics, and many many more.Have you seen these guys declining to stand for elections, or even commit harakiri? Also, if you look at recent examples that English MPs getting into trouble using Govt funds to buy horse manure for their gardens, you can see how "corrupt" our politicians are. My personal view is that whether CSL or OTK will lose will not depend on MCA members voting "maturely", but rather on " politics" which actually will mean anything goes....................... God save us Malaysians....

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