Saturday, 17 October 2009

Outlet still operating after more than 10 Police Raids.

Dear Editor,
Reading your report on a raid made by the Police state anti-vice, secret society and gambling branch.Police sources said the outlet(a karaoke joint with illegal foreign workers) had been raided at least 10 times., it is somewhat unsettling to read that the entertainment outlet which employs illegal workers and GROs have been raided AT LEAST 10 TIMES by the Police and the local anti vice authorities! I am not sure what to think of the enforcers, that they have allowed the continued operations of the business blatantly done in defiance of the laws. This begs the questions:
  • Are the fines and other penalties so trivial that the owners of the business gladly pay them and then commence again their "monkey business"?
  • Don't the authorities have the power to close down the premise, and prohibit it from doing the same business again? In this respect, I am aware that in the licensing of gaming and 'entertainment' outlets, a SPECIFIC Police approval is required before such a licence is approved.
  • Does that mean the police have approved the business to be carried out there, IN SPITE of having raided this particular outlet at least 10 times?
It would be good if the Public can know of the reasons why such outlets have been approved to cotinue their businesses in spite of regular "enforcement". Personally i would be terribly embarrassed, if the illegal business have continued to flourish in my jurisdiction in spite of raiding it and closing it down for more than 10 times. It must show that the authorities have not been serious in doing their jobs?

Why is the outlet still operating??

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