Thursday, 26 November 2009

anachronism? or foot in the mouth disease...

I was wondering if anyone cared to comment on the statement by the Minister that we should go "spinning" when I was pleasantly surprised by your column,Why we should not have to spin.. which you have correctly explained that 'spin doctoring' is, " In the world of public relations and lobbying, it’s basically about finding the positive about what is essentially a negative thing and high­lighting that...."

I am not sure what the Minister actually wanted to mean, but in my humble opinion, I have read a few instances when the same Minister seems to have "put his foot in his mouth" with his profound utterances. I am sure your archives will bear me out with the details. Going back to this case, Yes, spinning connotes that we are trying to put a gloss on something that stinks. i am wondering why the task of "marketing" Malaysia has not been emphasized as the roles of our Ambassadors which incidentally is defined in the dictionary as " an authorized and high level messenger sent to represent a country" Ex president Bush must be glad he found an "equal"

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