Tuesday, 24 November 2009


Your report, Landslide details CANNOT be made public really shows that the Federal Govt does not care a bit for the plight of its citizens, and have taken the stand that politics is more important than the rakyat's welfare. Don't the families of the dead victims and the traumatized survivors have a right to know what actually happened, regardless of their 'political inclination'? As I have also mentioned in my earlier letter which you have so kindly published, Make public the report on Landslide.. keeping the details 'secret' will just erode the last remnants of any nascent public trust that the Govt has earned by declaring "People First, Performance matters". Can the Works Ministry or the Cabinet let the public know the reasons for keeping the reasons of the landslide 'secret', other than to spite the State Government? Is this the meaning of "people first'? In my earlier letter I had commented ".. it seems to me that we still cannot trust the Government to tell the truth. We still have a government in denial, telling everyone that things are fine and, like this case, sweeping problems under the carpet. Changes must start from the top, if we are to change at all..." As time passes, I think the comments are turning out to be sadly true.. What a shame!

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