Wednesday 21 April 2010

Arrange discounts for Seniors

MGD of Kuala Lumpur, in his timely letter to you Arrange discounts for Seniors has again highlighted the issue of the plight of retirees and senior citizens. He said, " THE rising cost of living is especially distressing to senior citizens who depend on their fast depleting life savings to survive..." He also suggested that "Nascom, the umbrella body for senior citizens’ organisations in this country may be in a position to bring some relief to members of these affiliated organisations".by negotiating with corporations to offer discounts to senior citizens in an effort to help them manage their meager budgets.

However, I think in the light of the Govt's pronouncements to make our nation a "high income" society, with higher levels of earnings driving the growth of our economy, I think asking NACSOM to beg for discounts is woefully inadequate. In our push for the country to attain the level of high income and consumption, it will sadly have to ignore the plights of the senior citizens who are already retired and by and large, except for the lucky few Govt officials, will not be earning incomes. Furthermore, the population of the aged is increasing fast, as we provide better health services and amenities. In short, driving the nation to attain high income and a developed status will only serve to isolate, alienate and push the senior citizens further below the 'poverty line'.

In light of this, providing amenities, discounts and other assistance to the elderly SHOULD BE PART OF GOVT POLICY, to be mandated through laws passed in Parliament. It should not be a matter of choice but it should be a subject of social conscience for the Govt and companies claiming to practice social and corporate responsibility to proactively provide more significant assistance to the seniors.

Helping them should be Govt policy

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