Sunday, 4 April 2010

Pro-Active on Climate Change Leaders Party List

Hi Angel,
Thanks for the Party List.. ProActive on Climate change.. I feel this is the right issue to campaign on, PROVIDED these issues are to be backed up by SINCERE political will, AND more importantly, detailed in quantifiable and measurable steps to achieve the goals. Vague statements like change in land use and reduction of carbon emissions are not acceptable, and are totally futile, in my view.

For example, to contain the catastrophic effects of deforestation, this party must set achievable targets that can be monitored and enforced by law:

  • Reduce the acreage of forests approved for timber extraction by 10% annually
  • Increase the area of planted forests by 10% annually
  • Designate and preserve Forest Reserves (and water catchment areas), to be decreed as part of our National Heritage
  • Violation of the Forest reserves and water catchment areas to be declared a crime against the Nation
  • Security and Surveillance of Forest Reserves to be conducted by an Independent body, reporting direct to Malacanang
  • Timber Extraction companies to employ fully trained extractors and operators, so that collateral damage to the uncut timber and saplings is minimized.
  • Export of timber and logs to be certified internationally to be from sustainable sources.
Of course, the above is not an exhaustive list, but you know the drift...

The PCL Party could also frame up similar lists for the reduction in the use of petrol driven vehicles, and vehicles that are beyond economic use, eg, jeepneys that are over 25 years old? Match this with the increase in use of vehcles driven by renwewable energy sources, like electricity.

Another area the PCL could formulate a statement is a policy to reduce and stop the manufacture and use of plastic water bottles, and move towards the deployment of water stations and renewable water containers. There are many things you can campaign on a "Climate Change" platform, just don't be vague. Dare to Win and Walk the Talk!!!!

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