Tuesday, 20 April 2010

A quiet sense of optimism rules...why Cebu and not KL?

A quiet sense of optimism rules(Story of Cebu success)

Quote: "...Cebu is also an example of how the Philippines is slowly moving forward. There’s a quiet sense of optimism. The city’s economy is supported by its services sector – something that the Filipinos do well....."

Hello Karim,
A good read, and I hope our politicians have taken the time to read it too. I can relate to much that you have written, having spent almost 10 years in that lovely country, organizing start up joint venture companies with the Philippine Govt Corporations. Philippines' growth has been and is still being stunted by corrupt politics with strong nepotistic tendencies, an administration bogged down by serious bureaucratic inefficiencies, and a totally egoistic legal profession. I thought then, Malaysia was a shining model in SE Asia, but now sadly, we are "closing" up on our neighbors. What the politicians cannot grab through legal and ethical means, they resort to using "nationalistic pride" as the excuse..Manila Hotel and Terminal 3 are two examples where foreigners have invested heavily in Philippine landmark projects and have subsequently lost due to 'nationalistic' reasons as ruled by the courts.

Back to your story about Cebu's success. I would like to add one more reason why Cebu seemingly is able to, as you said, slowly move forward, its economy supported by the Services sector (Call centres, software development, etc). Underpinning the success has been the Philippine ready acceptance of the English language as the language of business and and the judiciary and even in all walks of life. In spite of its being colonized for more than 400 years by Spaniards, Filipinos took the the English language like ducks to water, after a short 50 rule by the Americans. It is because of their average proficiency in the English language that made the difference. You were wondering in your column, what happened to Malaysia's Cyberjaya, supposedly touted to be the Services Hub of South East Asia...

Yes, we need to take a hard look at ourselves, a very hard look. I may suggest here, look beyond race, religion, and throw away the blinkers and the NEP crutches.

Am I sanguine? I am afraid not... Susmaryosep !!! (Oh my God in Tagalog)

Factor behind Cebu's success

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