Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Football betting: Let's make a quick final decision, and move on

If not for the seriousness of the issue under the spotlight at the moment, ie., the virtues and evils of Football Betting, I would be vastly amused at the hundreds of spins and stories raised in your papers in the last few weeks, ostensibly in support of the issue of a Legal sports betting licence in Malaysia. Just today 22nd June, the Paper has carried out more of such news and reports ie., VIP bookies on the run after cops close in on their illegal WCup betting business where it was disclosed that even well known VIPs find the illegal betting business very lucrative. The Paper also reported that even Students rake in big bucks from the bookies, and even involve in getting loans from loan sharks, and finally, in the Dewan Rakyat, spinning like a 'broken record' ANOTHER MP has come up to support the legalisation of Sports Betting

All such frequently issued news articles only serve to cloud the real issue from the poor public, who has to bear the brunt of fervour of football betting. And it's a waste of everyone's time to keep on reading such 'mush' to 'rationalise' the legalisation of football betting in particular, and SPORTS BETTING in general. It's time we try to see the "forest" and not be confused by the arguments of each "tree". Here is what I think we should publicly receive answers from experts and the Govt, before we agree that a legal sports betting business is good or bad for the country:
  • Will the Legal Sports Betting Operator be able to entice the public from betting illegally? That is, will the legal Operator be able to provide the same "conditions" for the growth of legal sports betting? The illegal bookies can provide 'credit' themselves or through 'Ah Longs", cash payments on the spot, bets using the laptop, mobile phones and even by word of mouth.
  • When the sports betting business is legalised, can the illegal sports betting business be stamped out? We all know that in spite of having 3 numbers forecast operators in the country, we still find the illegal 4D business thriving.
  • Whether Sports betting is made legal or not, people will still BORROW to bet on games, especially on football, which is a year round affair. How can legal betting stamp out the wicked activities of loan sharks, and the disastrous effects it has on the social network of our country.
  • Will the Police have the time and resource to continuously monitor and harass the illegal operations, like what they are doing at the moment?
  • Will the Government, most importantly, be able to block and prevent global internet sites from offering all sorts of Sports Betting to Malaysians?
I am not for or against the legalisation of Sports Betting in the country, but let us do it with a clear mind.Using the Mainstream media to spin, and to "soften the ground" for the launching of legal sports betting is wasting everybody's time. If there are good reasons to do it, then just do it, if not, let's also be firm. We have so many other important things to do to bring a better life to our citizens, like improving the economy, eliminating corruption, and reducing racial polarization. Arguing about the pros and cons of a sports betting licence seem to me like making a mountain out of a molehill.

1 comment:

Family of Four said...

What is one more gambling activity? Let the government collect their taxes and put it into an escrow account for use of non-Muslims just like the wise man Rais Yatim suggested.

Remember families can also be destroyed by Number Forecast operators and Genting.

No, I am not for gambling.

Any decent adult must learn to control his impulse whether it is drinking, gambling or womanizing........