Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Don't log out the forest in Sarawak

In view of the letter that appeared in The Star today, "Don't log out the forest in Sarawak" and also the business news " Norway fund excludes Lingui,citing the timber company's contribution to “severe environmental damage " it is clear that most timber companies in Malaysia are not truthful about their Corporate responsibility messages that they have posted on their websites. The statements regarding sustainable forest management, and selective harvesting and Natural regeneration, viewed from the light of the Norway Sovereign Fund's rejection of the company, do seem to be merely a pack of lies.

Generally speaking, I think all timber companies cannot fall into the category of "socially responsible" companies, no matter what they expound in their websites. It is time the Securities Commission conduct a study on such companies to determine if they are indeed 'green' and are really really practicing environmentally responsible procedures in their core businesses.

i repeat my long held view that there is no such thing as "sustainable forest management" as it is just a phrase coined by spin doctors. How can anyone replace, for example, a Virgin 100-year old tree that has been logged and "selectively harvested" by growing a sapling in its place? How can we replace the 'soul' of that place, mangled and mutilated by heavy machines brought in to cut the tree? How can?

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