Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Latvia's Pulp Fiction, or, How the UK help to destroy Latvia's pristine forests.....

Latvia's Pulp Fiction, or, How the UK help to destroy Latvia's pristine forests.....

  • It takes just 2 minutes to fell a 100-year old tree, and a few more minutes to process them into sawn timber
  • UK is the largest importer of Latvian wood
  • Sustainable forest development is an Oxymoron. Can you wait another 100 years to fell a replanted tree?
  • Governments, AND governing bodies, close one eye to activities, where the money is "right"
A "green government" is also an oxymoron.. So looking at this video from Al Jazeera, can we ever beleve anything that is being said by Governments and Big Timber companies? Is the World turning a blind eye to its own destruction? What's all that stuff about being "Green"?

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