Sunday, 27 February 2011

Unmanned checkpoints must be outlawed

It is a sad Sunday morning when I read of this tragic event in Kuala lumpur Mum and Child perish in fire :-( but what utterly dismayed us was the statement made by the Fire Department that the rescue vehicle "could not pass the barrier at the unmanned security checkpoint of the residential area. “Precious minutes were lost as we had to cut off the chains to proceed to the burning house,” ... This immediately brought to my mind those oil drums and barriers that I have seen across many roads in PJ SS2 and Damansara Jaya areas, to name just but a few. Will these obstructive objects placed across residential roads be a hindrance to emergency rescues like the ambulances, police cars and fire engines, in the event of an emergency arising, and where a few seconds can mean the difference between life and death? We have to seriously re-think our way of making residential areas safe, but having roads barred BUT unmanned is not one of them.

Likewise, I think the local councils should also monitor businesses in their respecitve communities who choose to use their backlanes to do their chores like the washing of food and plates, and the parking of company vehicles throughout the night. A cluttered backlane can also be a deathly hindrance in the event of a fire.

Unmanned checkpoints must be outlawed

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