Again, if China and India consume the same amount of energy per capita as the USA, can the planet survive the effects of carbon pollution, and environmental degradation. Will there be any glaciers left to provide the world of drinking water, or for that matter, will there be anything left of the Arctic Circle?
I further quote from him, "Politicians, economists and businessmen remain in denial, using the crutch of technology, free markets and finance to spin messages about innovation and hope. But hope is not a plan.(underline mine) Asian governments must reject the blinkered views of those who urge Asians to consume relentlessly — be they Western economists and leaders who want the region to become a “motor of growth” to rebalance the world economy or Asian governments convinced that ever-expanding economies are what their populations need. .."
In the Malaysian context, there are many areas that we could look at, but I am not sure if the Govts (Federal as well as State), are just paying lip service to the necessary steps that we have to take to preserve the country and the world from further damage. To just mention a few:
- Are we serious about protecting what is remaining of our forest reserves and catchment areas, if State Govts continue to allow new and additional pristine forests to be 'harvested' for their valuable hardwood. Do we allow core timber companies to continue to project increasing production of virgin forest logs year after year, without even considering a moratorium for such activity. Virgin forest reserves, it is easy for me to say, is a finite NON renewable resource.
- The Govts are just paying lip service to the banning of the use of plastic bags in all business activities.Most of them cursorily ban the use of plastic bags on a Saturday. But walk among the hyper-malls, the night markets and the food courts, etc, you will find plastic bags being used as if there is no tomorrow. At the rate they are being used, there WILL be no tomorrow.
- The Govt is not doing anything much to move from inefficient industries, which seem only to be able to survive on cheap labour. For immediate and short term political expediency, foreign workers are imported, from any South and South East Asian country who are willing to subject their people to work in slave like conditions, to meet the desire to keep the inefficient industries alive and at a profit. By doing so, that is, by not exercising strong political will, we may seem to be flourishing economically in the short term, but in addition to not being able to meet the global challenges in the next decade or so, we will be also 'importing' social and environmental problems that millions of uneducated and famished foreign migrant workers are bringing into the country, not to mention the pressure they will exert on our housing, energy, food and transport resources.
Assuming that a nation can survive based on the economics of infinite consumption growth in a world of finite resources is like assuming that you have the goose that lays golden eggs. That's a fairy tale.
Can Malaysia support relentless consumption?
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