Saturday, 23 June 2012

Don't politicize water issues

Reading the reports, Water crisis looms in Selangor  and Solve water woes fast, say Selangor residents among the many that have been published recently, gives us the distinct perception that water issues in the nation have been heavily politicized, much to the detriment of the long suffering public.

We feel the authorities are not serious in solving our water woes, but are just using them for their political ends. Let me give you an example. In a recent TV news {NTV7 to be exact}, highlighting the 'imminent' water disruptions in the {Selangor} State, the TV reporters decided to interview, of all people, a car wash worker. We all know that the Car Wash business wastes a lot of water, and in the most UNproductive way. Furthermore, most of these carwashes are apparently illegal in nature, employing many "similarly status" sourced foreign workers. Can the local authorities tell us that they approve of most of the car washes in the State?

So, instead of addressing the issues properly, and taking drastic action to prevent water wastage, we have the authorities from both sides of the political divide using the issue for 'grandstanding' purposes. All parties should put aside political differences and work for the better good, as water is a depleting resource.

Sometimes it's a wonder why people decide to vote at all

 Don't politicize water issues (page 10 Selangortimes)

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