Tuesday, 5 June 2012

"Supper" Robbery at Section 11 PJ

For me, reading this report, Robbers prey on customers having supper makes it even more scary, as the robbery

  1. happened in Section 11 P Jaya, not even 200 metres from my house;
  2. this was the second robbery at the same restaurant in more than a month,
  3. a Star reporter almost lost his hand in the robbery {if the ring had remained stuck on his finger}
Are we being lulled into a false sense of security by those Government reports that the crime rates have decreased? I am now very apprehensive, as Section 11 has always been known as a 'safe' section. I guess with the "midnight teh tarik" and 'suppering' culture among the fashion trends in Malaysia, we will most likely see "supper robbers" turning into a lucrative profession among our growing unemployed.
Unless I am sure the Police and the authorities come up with measures that deter such crimes, I intend to sadly avoid going for my regular Friday late night supper with my badminton friends, which is really unfortunate, for me and for a beer company.

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