Monday, 4 June 2012

Suu Kyi — a figure of reconciliation

I refer to your column, Suu Kyi — a figure of reconciliation and it's certainly inspiring to read about this phenomenal lady. She is a woman totally devoid of any ego, but with a heart burning with desire to help her country and its poor and downtrodden. She sacrificed her freedom and stood by her principles for more than two decades, but she chose not to seek vengeance, but instead preached forgiveness. When she again won back her political voice, she immediately went about nation building and reconciling her people. She is indeed a massive personality.

I am also very impressed by her pragmatism, and even as Myanmar actively pursues foreign investment and capital, she is so right to caution against reckless optimism and insist that investments must provide for a tangible 'trickle down' effect, and not for pure profits for the investors only. I quote, " I understand investors invest because they hope to profit from ventures. I agree with that, but our country must benefit as much as those who invest. I want this commitment to mean quite simply jobs – as many jobs as possible.”What an awesome lady and leader she is turning out to be. Many politicians of the world would do good to follow her example.

Suu Kyi a model for politicians all over the world

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