Thursday, 12 July 2012

Keep Bukit Kiara green

I refer to the letter, Keep Bukit Kiara green and in particular this statement, "Constructing the fences finally “opened” the eyes of the people who walk, jog and cycle along this popular trail every day. The public then realised it was only a matter of time before Bukit Kiara makes way for development, and it would never be the same again. The demarcation shows that the “other side of the fence” belongs to private landowners, and there is nothing to stop them from commercialising their land. If that happens, Bukit Kiara would no longer be tranquil and the green, green grass of Bukit Kiara would be gone forever...."

I was a little surprised that it took so long for this letter to be written, AND published, but it's better late than never. About a year ago, when I had the occasion to take a walk there with my daughter, I pointed out to her the fence-works, which was only in the preliminary stages but still very messy. I did not realise it then, but I made the prescient remark that the fencing was constructed actually to facilitate private developers to develop the land into expensive 'hillside' residences and condominiums in a premium location. One also wonders if the 'guidelines' on hillside slope development would be totally ignored also.

I hope this letter would open up the public's eyes, and I also hope that this place would not turn up to be another "PKNS field controversy", currently hogging your Metro section.

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