But I am curious about this issue, and the approval of FIA holders under the FIt scheme whereby the holder of the approval is to supply power back to the grid, for some profit, thereby increasing the use of renewable energy? Some questions roiling my head {not rolling in my head}:
- Since this is a new "industry", where are the people, companies with the right criteria to get the approvals, Isn't almost everyone a 'newbie' in this industry, especially in Malaysia?
- If the end objective is to generate renewable energy for own use and then sell the excess back to the Grid at a pre determined price, is there a need for an approval holder, whether a corporation, or an individual, to have experience in that area?
- Wouldn't it suffice if there is confidence that the equipment and supplies are properly installed by certified and authorized parties?
- What
track record will an individual have, for example, if he wants to
supply RE based on solar pv panels from his single storey terrace house?
- What sort of track record will any company have in the burning of palm oil waste to convert into RE?
I am not sure if there are no corrupt practices involved in this, but please don't let the zest to stop corruption and cronyism cloud every thing else.
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