Friday, 17 August 2012

4 Revisions of MAS organisation in one year! Messy!

First of all let me say that I am just a retired ex sometime Govt servant  and also Corporate Manager with no experience in anything at all, but reading your report, MAS has new organisation chart for staff still raises a few questions in my mind, which I hope to be enlightened. You mentioned that MAS has  "released a revised organisation chart to its employees yesterday and from the middle of next week, all division heads will be known as directors. This could be the third or fourth revision to the organisation chart over the past one year. " This statement conjures up so many images in my mind, which I feel can be confusing to the public who takes the trouble to read everything in The Star, like I do. They are 'bulleted' below for ease of reference:

  • Three or Four revisions of of an organisation chart within a year would seem to me, the management do not know what they are doing, or there is such a tumultuous power struggle in the company that no productive work can be done
  • Change of name titles from division heads to directors. What is so important about a name that it so delays and disrupts the important work of an organisation. I also noticed this seems to be a Malaysian "disease". From experience, I realise that Malaysian corporations like big titles like directors, Group ED/CEOs and all that egoistical stuff, and a title like General Manager is held with a little disdain. While in the Philippines for example, they tend to get on with the job, and just call any head of an organisation the GM. 
  • Looking at some of the names holding the high sounding posts also gave me a small shock! I know MAS is a so called GLC, but does it have to staff it like a Government department? This makes me wonder if MAS promotes people according to strict meritocracy or does it think that it's just another Government corporation? 
I am beginning to understand why MAS, once the exemplary flagship corporation in Malaysia is struggling, and struggling badly. It is beginning to be very embarrassing. Let's hope there will not be another review of the organisation in 6 months' time ! :(

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