Wednesday, 29 August 2012

AES.. Malaysian Traffic Management System

When I read this business report, AES poised to make drivers toe the line and the statement that, " SOON Malaysians might be driving like Singaporeans.." I can't help myself but ROFLOL {rolled on floor, laughing out loud} ! Why, you may ask. In a properly functioning and efficiently enforced system, this may well happen, and we may see "drivers conforming to speed limits on their roads....driving in unison, keeping to the speed limit in constant flow of traffic, afraid of being nabbed for breaking the law."
In Malaysia, this maybe too much to expect, and certain answers need to be given by the authorities before we can dream of an orderly traffic on our roads and highways. The questions are as follows:

  1. Will the AES system be maintained in proper working order 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?
  2. Who vets the photos?
  3. Who issues the tickets?
  4. Who will collect the fines?
  5. What happens when fines are persistently ignored? Will discounts be given, or will the offenders be taken to courts, no mitigation allowed?
  6. Will the Operator of the AEC system be paid based on the amount of fines ISSUED, or on the amount of fines COLLECTED?
  7. How will the Police and/or the AES system operator deal with motorcyclists who cannot be found, or have invalid addresses, as we know a significant number of these motorcyclists are foreigners, many of them staying in the country illegally?
  8. Besides sharing the "spoils" or parking fines {issued or collected?}, do the AES operator get any other maintenance or "consultancy" fee, for example ?
I am praying for the system to succeed, as too long, we law abiding road users have been hounded and harassed by the hooligans of the road. But, until the questions that I have raised can be properly answered for public consumption, I am afraid this project will join the ranks of those high sounding projects that the Government has implemented, and naively thought will work out.

We need to transform our traffic management system, but that means hard work like boring maintenance and enforcement, 7 days a week, 365 days in a year, 366 in a leap year!
Are we up to it?

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