Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Malaysia destroys forest reserves..

Reading your report, Logging intensifies in Pedu it would seem to me that politicians of all stripes will ride roughshod over environmental issues, and will do anything to skirt laws that protect and preserve our precious environment. In this instance I find it ludicrous that there is such an useless law that requires a State Government to file an EIA report only if logging is approved for land in excess of 500 hectares! What is to prevent the wayward authority from awarding logging concessions in 'parcels' of 500 ha or less each time it deems that more royalty is needed to fill State Coffers? .

Forest reserves, especially those that form part of a crucial catchment area of the State, is essential for the continuous supply of drinking water to the State, and these areas should be placed above narrow parochial interests. A progressive Government, whether it be the State or Federal Authority, should protect it as part of our national Treasure,and anyone breaching the area should be considered as having committed a treasonous offence punishable by a life sentence, or death.

In Brazil, it has been just agreed by the government there that any project affecting the Amazon will only be implemented after due consultation with all the stakeholders involved.

It can be seen in the recent catastrophic events caused by seasonal rains in China, Japan, and the Philippines, and the terrifying drought in the Midwest of USA have been caused by decades of over development, with scant attention given to preserve the Earth's dwindling natural assets.

Are Malaysians learning from this?
Protect forests as national treasure

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