Sunday, 4 April 2010


On reading this report Nik Aziz denies donation needed for timber concession! that the State Government has denied that fees have to be paid for receiving Timber concessions, I feel that whatever that have been announced in the recent NEM Phase One Project will fall by the wayside, once again, a noble effort being the victim of parochial politics and corruption. I am also reading the NEAC site, which has one of its Key focus issues, Environment/Sustainability and I must say here that though this is a very commendable effort by the experts and consultants, it will not be understood by the rakyat, the politicians who are the "key" people affected by the implementation of measures to protect our environment and our biodiversity. In order to invigorate our rakyat, and to show that the Government mean business, the NEM has to be simplified and implementation made into steps that all, including the money crazed businessmen will understand. The NEM must be stated in simple sentences and not be clouded by verbosity, which, in our nation where English is not used as the primary language of communication, will be so much tougher to understand.

Coming back to to this issue of Timber concessions being awarded to timber tycoons year after year, by the various State Govts, (whether 'fees' are paid for them or not), if the Federal Govt really believes in sustainability of its natural forest Reserves and the benefits accruing from them, it must have the political will to come out with policies transcending parochial politics and big money businessmen to maintain and protect our biodiversity I would like to quote from the "The economics of ecosystems and Biodiversity" where the benefits that can be derived from a PROTECTED forest are:
  • Medicines
  • Erosion Control
  • Carbon Storage (reducing our carbon footprint)
  • recreation and forest products ,and may I add
  • preservation of our potable water sources.
In order to come up with measures to protect our forests, the Govt is required to state clearly the achievable and measurable steps so that implementaion by all parties will not be ambiguous, and which will be enforceable, legally and administratively. Example:

  • Reduce the acreage of forests approved for timber extraction by 10% annually
  • Increase the area of planted forests by 10% annually
  • Designate and preserve Forest Reserves (and water catchment areas), to be decreed as part of our National Heritage
  • Violation of the Forest reserves and water catchment areas to be declared a crime against the Nation
  • Security and Surveillance of Forest Reserves to be conducted by an Independent body, reporting independently to the Govt
  • Timber Extraction companies to employ fully trained extractors and operators, so that collateral damage to the uncut timber and saplings is minimized.
  • Export of timber and logs to be certified internationally to be from sustainable
The above list is not complete, of course, but clearly articulated policies, leaving no doubt as to its intention will give us the assurance that the Govt means 'business'. Obviously, effective enforcement of the policies will be vital.

I remember Andrew Sheng, a consultant of the NEAC saying that for the NEM to succeed, we need political will and a mindset change. Do we have them?

Logging: Clear policies, political will important


TYS said...

Try reading it in BM
Language depth or even the lack of it is no mode for criticism.
NEM is doomed from the start because its being condemned even before its even implemented or adopted.
For your information Sir, the NEAC report is just a consultative paper and the people have got about 60 days to comment and suggest. I wrote about it at length and it was published both in print and electronically.
Tying Nik Aziz denial over alleged corruption has got nothing to do with the NEM which needs all of our support to succeed. It already has enough enemies.
Thank you
Best regards

TYS said...

that's Tam not Yam... I know water and land/forestry are State matters, thank you... we learnt all that Constitution stuff during my time with the Auditor Generals ... please, I want the NEM to succeed, and I am tying Nik Aziz issue to give me the reason to write on my pet peeve, the continuous destruction of our forests through concessions given on orders of the sultan, chief ministers etc I expressed the view that the Govt must find a way to transcend State politics knowing that land is a State matter...... I do not have the platform to write it and get it published, letters to the Editor is my slim hope.. please... Andrew Sheng also invited comments and criticisms, and said that nobody knows everything, and admits we have to learn from mistakes... You seem to think that since you have written a long letter for your employer, everyone else must follow your line of thought.. I was glad you got promoted, but I am sad you can't take feedback, even if it's from a stupid retiree....
Please, and don't tell me to read it in BM... you don't get the point.. Even in BM, do you think people like Ibrahim Ali and his business cohorts, timber tycoons, will understand? what i am saying is that the Fed govt has to translate those focus points into deliverable tasks, something Idris Jala will explain to you.... I am NOT against the NEM, I just want to see the commitment to see it succeed... success can't come, if the people dont know how you are going to EXECUTE it.... Stopping further forest concessions will .. don't you agree, unless you are pro timber?

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am the coordinator of
I find that your blog is interesting.
Is it possible for zsys to repost your articles?


My blog is ------> Behind the News...

On 12 April 2010 01:11, Moon Lover wrote:


I am in the midst of widening my social circles, and I have discovered
your email address in the forwarded mail "you won’t see there in our local newspapers…".

Below is a brief introduction of myself, I am staying in PJ, hopefully
we can be friends.

Before that, would appreciate if you can tell me more about
yourself as well. Thanks.

Name: Steven Moon

Gender: male

Industries: Accounting

Address: PJ, Selangor

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 68 kg

Marital status: Single

Interest: Reading, movie, swimming, badminton, sleeping and
environmental protection.

Dream: Producing a novel or a play promoting humanity.

Hope to hear from you and do let me know if there is anything else you
want to share with me.

Have a good day.

What is your blog?

