Thursday, 10 November 2011

Get to root cause of road Bus accidents

I refer to the letter Get to root cause of road accidents which was written in response to the Star's lead report, "Reckless Again" in which you raised the question of uncaring and reckless drivers, who by their misdeeds have killed innocents and caused untold damages to lives and property, again and again.

I wish to state here that nothing that the public says will move to Government to do what has to be done to stop the 'murderers on the expressways', and I speak as an utterly disillusioned man.

Since 2009, and even before that, I have been harping on the issues of the heartless bus drivers in 'Rogue bus drivers and Indifferent authorities'-- and 'August 18--D Day for Rogue Bus drivers?' and I had commented even then that the only way to reduce the carnage on the roads is to LIMIT the speed the buses can be driven, through the use of Speed DE-limiters. It is a fact that speed kills, and less speed will save lives. In October 2009, perhaps in response to my clamour for positive action, the Transport Minister announced.. "{click on this link to see report}All express bus operators may soon be required to install speed limiters in their vehicles in an effort to reduce road accidents and fatalities. Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat said they might also be required to install the Global Positioning System (GPS) to allow them to monitor their driver’s on-the-road habits..."

Can the public know why there is no further effort on the part of the authorities to implement something that can be effective in curbing the excesses of the bus drivers? Is it because the selfish bus owners are crying out at the cost of implementation, and more imprtantly for the bus companies, slower journeys will make them less money? Is the Government listening to the pleas of the people, or the immoral cries of businessmen ?

Anyone reading the international news will know that countries that do not control the speed and road worthiness of their buses have the worse accident and fatality rates. {Think of India, China, Peru, Bolivia, Philippines, etc.}

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