Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Governments have changed, and nothing has changed.

This letter in The Star Development of PKNS field unnecessary gave me a huge dose of deja vu. Governments have changed, and nothing has changed. It is true that politics is about being in power for business expediency. When we listen fervently to the impassioned messages hollered out during re-election campaigns, we harboured hopes that a change in the "political scenery" will bring about great benefits to the people, to the environment, and to our lives. We clamor through the ballot box that our voices be heard, and that our future be protected from the consequences of an ill governed nation.

But has anything changed? All political parties, once entrenched, will cast the eyes askance and look for juicy projects that will churn in the millions that they crave for, having fought tooth and nail for political power. Illegal massage shops and "budget" hotels flourish, and now, the green lungs of a quiet residential area is viewed as the next pot of Gold beneath the rainbow. Is the Government going to sacrifice the 'soul' of Kelana Jaya for the sake of filling the pockets of some politicians and councillors?

Even God will shed tears, for the folly of men :(

Has anything really changed? 

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