Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Nut dropped near spine has patient very worried..
Furore over missing jet engines to be "explained"
In our local front, in the comments made by our politicians in the wake of the "missing Jet Engines" Furore over missing jet engines to be "explained" the relevant Minister just said.. " We will reply to criticisms from the opposition who had used the missing jet engines and other issues to confuse the people...." His comments have left a dirty taste in the mouth. I would like to ask the Govt., if the missing engines were a result of 'opposition manipulation', what about the Report of the Auditor General? Why do we get the feeling that the latest Report has been filed and has started to collect dust? I am not even going to waste anybody's time to repeat concerns about the PKFZ and the Teoh BH /MACC inquest, among the many unresolved corruption cases that have come to light in the past year or two. Suffice to say is this... Is the Government and the Prime Minister prepared to walk the talk in 2010, stifle political shenanigans in the dealing with dishonesty among the conniving politicians and make 1Malaysia more than just an empty slogan , which is what it is now :-(
Happy New Year and don't 'screw' up our lovely country
vacation in China.. be careful with what you buy!
Please be forewarned and trust your own doctors, even though sometimes they behave like vultures
Monday, 28 December 2009
Quote: " Everybody asks for the brain. You see things that people can't see. For lotto, you dream the numbers,........... He prescribes mainly vulture heads, which he says bring visions of the future, endowing users with the bird's excellent vision that helps them fly out of nowhere to descend on carcasses....."
Comment: In Malaysia, we don't have those vultures, but we can replace it with brains of our Members of the Parliament, or Doctors... But don't expect to see a vision of the future with politicians' brains...hahahahahahh . ROFLOL
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
The first suggestion he gave, and which gave me a shock, is that the IRB has outsourced and paid billions to "private contractors" to sort and file the Return Forms received every year. Horrors! From my very superficial understanding of the Tax Form filing process, the IRB has from inception, sorted and filed the Return Forms on its own, without "outside" help. I would have thought the workload would have lessened when the IRB computerized and encouraged taxpayers to use E-filing, thus having less forms to file? Besides, when the IRB introduced "self assessment", the workload would have been further reduced? if having made its operations more efficient by reducing manual effort, why then do you need to pay "private contractors" to sort out the Return Forms? Also, will the confidentiality of our financial and personal information be compromised by this 'intrusion'?
The second suggestion given by the writer, is even more startling! He is declaring that the present Sales and Services Tax collection process is blatantly corrupt, and that has spawned very serious under collection of the SST, and which has also apparently made the Customs a "laughing stock" of the business community, and a "favoured" posting for officers who dream of living the "good life". His assertion that proper collection of the SST can increase our revenue 500 times (and thus obviate the necessity of the GST) over is something we cannot ignore, if we are really serious about tackling corruption, at the same time increasing revenue without causing hardship to the people. Perhaps the Govt should make this target a measurable KPI for the Customs, AS WELL AS for the MACC?
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Members of Parliament, MISSING in Parliament?
While it is laudable that measures are taken to ensure that MPs do not miss parliament sessions, Koh proposes mass SMS to force MPs to attend parliament sessions this action has immediately begged the questions..:
- What are the duties and responsibilities of our elected representatives?
- Have they forgotten the promises they have made to the rakyat, before the votes were cast?
- Are the big salaries and bigger perks being paid to them, just for fun and frolic?
- While it is agreed that MPs too have private lives, is it not their moral responsibility to schedule their holidays and vacations, so as not to clash with parliament sessions? That must be the minimum they should do, to "pay back" to the community for the confidence shown in them through the ballot box.
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Will a thief "catch" himself.....?
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Exercise, Chest pains and Heart problems...
Monday, 7 December 2009
Nazri calls Dr M a racist ...!
Saturday, 5 December 2009
World Financial Crisis... who pays??
- The tragedy with very low yields on stocks, real estate, bonds and zero deposit rates is that the super saver has very little income to retire on.
- For those savers whose returns are not higher than the inflation rate, they will share the burden of the inflation tax.
- What is quite clear is that most of the world is going to pay for this crisis. So, please send a Christmas card to those Wall Street bankers who are enjoying record bonuses to remind them that all of us are paying for their party.
Friday, 4 December 2009
Quake prone areas: Safety issues
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Thursday, 26 November 2009
anachronism? or foot in the mouth disease...
I am not sure what the Minister actually wanted to mean, but in my humble opinion, I have read a few instances when the same Minister seems to have "put his foot in his mouth" with his profound utterances. I am sure your archives will bear me out with the details. Going back to this case, Yes, spinning connotes that we are trying to put a gloss on something that stinks. i am wondering why the task of "marketing" Malaysia has not been emphasized as the roles of our Ambassadors which incidentally is defined in the dictionary as " an authorized and high level messenger sent to represent a country" Ex president Bush must be glad he found an "equal"
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Friday, 20 November 2009
We have no time for our Seniors....
From my experience of having visited many such homes, I have observed that most of the caregivers are paid very low wages, and in recent times many homes have taken to employ foreigners to do the job, some of them without proper training and experience. I have also met locals who take care of the old folks in the Homes at the same time having to cook for all of them. Some have been forced to take more than one job to make ends meet. Under such conditions, can we expect our elderly be taken care of at all? No wonder there are even stories of the old folks being given cold showers together every morning, to save time and effort. We maybe able to go into Space, but have we forgotten to leave some space in our hearts for our golden generations?
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Govt Change, Local Administration... It's "Deja Vu"
But what struck a note in my mind is the comment by the President of the RA I quote.. " Rajasoorian also expressed his disappointment at the then Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) councillors who approved the commercial project without residents’ knowledge. If the present council under the current state government closes an eye to the problems we are facing here, we would be back to square one,” said Rajasoorian..... " This statement resonates at the core of our democratic system, where citizens change their 'administrators' through the ballot box when they have been found wanting, dishonest, arrogant, etc. Do the new councillors now follow up on their election promises, and evaluate all projects, especially those awarded close to the end of the previous Govt's tenure, for propriety and honesty? In this example, have the councillors taken cognizance that the residents have not been 'consulted' on such a big project, and in fact it has been pushed down their throats, as the statement has intimated? I am just a layman, but I know that area well. It is a low lying area where rainwater find a way to flow in heavy rain, and thus maybe reducing the possibility of floods in Sections 12 and 14. The T-junction has been susceptible to minor landslides several times already, as the slope at the top of the T appears to be weak. If a 19-storey hotel is built with basement carparks and ingress and egress roads, will the "concretization" of the whole area make these sections more vulnerable to floods in the rainy season? Besides the Traffic Impact study which should rightfully be publicly discussed, have studies been made on the environmental effects of building the hotel? Like effects of flood and traffic gridlock on the surrounding schools, for example. We must not allow "big business" to cajole and browbeat us into accepting anything that will have long term deleterious effects in our area. Our elected representatives must see to that, or, are we going to agree that what Terence Fernandez feature in 'The Sun' Spoilt New Kids on the Block is ominously prophetic??
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Govt gag orders on matters of public interest
Make public the report on landslide
Monday, 16 November 2009
Are Malaysia's forests being destroyed?
- Quote: "Last year, Malaysia exported timber and timber products to India worth US$362.8mil, a robust 17.1% jump compared with the previous year..." This raises the question that If this company is to continue to be a "going concern", it is necessary to continue to increase is timber felling operations, and even at a rate of increase of 10% per year, can our diminishing forests withstand the onslaught? We are not talking of only this company alone that is destroying forever our pristine jungles, but also the 'needs' of our Palm Oil industries and farms. I do not believe even for a second, that sustainable forest management scheme works. Can anyone believe that it is possible to replace a 100-year old tree that can be chainsawed and felled in a matter of minutes?
- More worrisome is this statement; quote: " India’s ban on most domestic logging plus the rising prosperity of the middle-class Indians continue to fuel demand for timber and wood-based products, making it the second largest importer of tropical logs in the world after China..." My question is, If India sees fit to ban most of its domestic logging to protect its forests, and get Malaysia to exploit its own for the sake if its (Indian) middle class, are we not stupid to do that? Does Malaysia want to see its beloved country being reduced to 'wasteland' in 20 years' time, in return for short term profits of a few companies and State Governments? And China is even a more voracious consumer of our timber, while preserving its own by designating them as Heritage sites.
Are Malaysia's forests being destroyed?
- Quote: "Last year, Malaysia exported timber and timber products to India worth US$362.8mil, a robust 17.1% jump compared with the previous year..." This raises the question that If this company is to continue to be a "going concern", it is necessary to continue to increase is timber felling operations, and even at a rate of increase of 10% per year, can our diminishing forests withstand the onslaught? We are not talking of only this company alone that is destroying forever our pristine jungles, but also the 'needs' of our Palm Oil industries and farms. I do not believe even for a second, that sustainable forest management scheme works. Can anyone believe that it is possible to replace a 100-year old tree that can be chainsawed and felled in a matter of minutes?
- More worrisome is this statement; quote: " India’s ban on most domestic logging plus the rising prosperity of the middle-class Indians continue to fuel demand for timber and wood-based products, making it the second largest importer of tropical logs in the world after China..." My question is, If India sees fit to ban most of its domestic logging to protect its forests, and get Malaysia to exploit its own for the sake if its (Indian) middle class, are we not stupid to do that? Does Malaysia want to see its beloved country being reduced to 'wasteland' in 20 years' time, in return for short term profits of a few companies and State Governments? And China is even a more voracious consumer of our timber, while preserving its own by designating them as Heritage sites.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Caught 11 times, and STILL allowed to operate?
- Are the fines and other penalties so trivial that the business owners gladly pay them and then continue with their “monkey business”?
- Don’t the authorities have the power to close down the business, and prohibit it from doing the same business again?
- The fact that the owner ( and obviously the Police and the Local Authorities will know him/them) is engaging in illegal gaming, and 'employing' illegal foreign workers call for a stiffer punishment, AND a jail sentence?
- Should the owner not be charged with 'human trafficking" even though he may not be directly involved in the enslavement of women? He is 'working' them under slave like conditions, that the public can see
- Can't the police use laws to put this obdurate and obnoxious businessman under 'restricted' residence, in Kelantan for example?
- Has the owner been operating with a local authority licence? Why does he feel so "confident"?
If I were the Police or the Local Authority in charge, I would take this news report as a slap on my face..
And we are all talking about 1Malaysia and performance NOW! It's really shameful
Why no action against outlet?
Giving bonus to ALL results in a lackadaisical Government
bonus payments; reward only the deserving..!
Bank has got its priorities wrong!
I really hope our Bank Negara would get the banks to streamline their procedures of their Call centres, so that we achieve an international benchmark in our banking operations and financial services.
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Malaysia a moderate Muslim Nation??
Well ,we have to see, but I am not sanguine, and certainly not in my lifetime.
Dr Asri’s position on issues such as freedom of religion, differences of opinion in Islam, the imperative for reform, his criticisms of the delays and bias against women in the syariah courts, of khalwat laws and invasion of privacy, book banning and fatwa against yoga and kongsi raya have put him on the wrong side of the conservatives who dominate the religious bureaucracy and the Islamic state ideologues and their supremacist thinking.
For too long in this country, those who claim to speak in God’s name have cowed too many into silent submission and perpetual ignorance. For too long, our political leaders have not shown the courage or the will to fully deal with the threat posed by these religious zealots within government and their own parties.
What is desperately needed now is leadership, courage, and vision to stand up for what is right for Malaysia – that there is no place in a country like ours for an Islam that is punitive, cruel, misogynistic, and intolerant.
Hot Air breathing politicians...What else is new?
I write in response to the statement made by the President of MCA, OTK:: Interact with other Etnnic Groups in which he said, and I quote, " living in harmony with people of other ethnic groups did not happen by coincidence but that such culture should be cultivated from young.". I couldn't agree more with what has been said, but I recall that when the Prime Minister suggested that the Single Stream School be evaluated and discussed as a medium to foster long term multiracial unity, MCA was one of the first voices to immediately object, without giving the idea a chance to be even debated. Of course there were others who said that Single stream schools may taint "cultural purity".. In this context, I feel that the statement made is facetious, and there is not intention to 'make it happen'. How do we propose that our young mix with their peers of othe races, when they spend the first 11 years of their school lives in vernacular and religious schools, each practising his own language, culture and religion. Children are brought together only to celebrate Independence Day, and sadly even Sports seem to have taken on a race bias( eg football, equestrian, swimming, basketball, lawn bowls). We always only talk, but do not 'walk the talk'
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Do not let the Public Suffer because of politics!!!
“The residents here have been totally neglected. What has MBPJ’s Health Department been doing so far? Where’s the maintenance schedule for these areas The department deserves a complete overhaul,” he added.
He said he had made numerous complaints about the condition of the flats in his capacity as the assemblyman as well as the chairman of Local Agenda 21 Community Development committee for MBPJ, but the responsible parties did not seem to have moved a finger while the people are still suffering everyday.
Dear Richard, (MBPJ)
Monday, 26 October 2009
Are the Organisers criminally negligent?
Can an Aussie Expert save our motorcyclists?
- The inadequacy of our motorcycle "testing" program. We all know of our infamous testing schools with "guaranteed" passes that can produce motorcyclists who have not learned how to ride properly
- Australians, by and large, follow all traffic rules, including putting on the indicator light when changing lanes, failure of which will result in a fine. Do Malaysians indicate when they change lanes?
- Australians generally are polite; cars which reach a cross junction first will be the car that leaves the junction first. In Malaysia, it's the bravest or the most reckless who will jump at the crossroads.
- Motorcyclists in Malaysia generally shoot the Red lights, or make U turns anywhere there is a space.
- Most motorcyclists have expired licences and insurances. Most of them also wear helmets that are not tied properly to the chin. Yesterday I saw a motorcycle with a pillion rider shoot the red light at a junction, crash into the side of a big car, and both the riders fell off the bike, and their helmets went hurtling somewhere else.
- 50% of our foreign workers use motorcycles. Are they properly "tested" and covered with insurance?
- the police seems to be ineffectual in catching these rogues, but with such reckless attitudes and selfish riders, doubling the police will not make much of a difference.
- In the outskirts of a city, finding 3 or more persons on a motorcycle is not unusual. Sometimes without helmets.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
One million summons, 4 arrests and 50% discount on fines.
What can be gleaned from the statement is that out of the almost one million UNPAID summons, only 4 arrests have been made, and a mere 694 warrants have been successfully served. It is a sorry statement of performance (OR NON PERFORMANCE) by MPSJ and the offer of 50% discount to those who have not since paid their fines must be sending absolutely the wrong message to those perpetual offenders. No wonder we find that parking and littering problems continue to be unsolved in PJ and KL ; in fact they seem to be getting worse! Rather than offer discounts, the authorities must redouble their efforts to nab the offenders. It would appear to me that issuing tickets and summons are not effective at all, IF the authorities are not serious in enforcing those summonses. Every offender now knows they will get away cheap, and the chances of being apprehended is next to nil. I am aware that this is not an easy problem to solve, but to continue issuing millions of summonses and letting offenders get away with their "crimes" is just a slap in the face of the Authority.and a waste of everybody's time..
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Outlet still operating after more than 10 Police Raids.
Reading your report on a raid made by the Police state anti-vice, secret society and gambling branch.Police sources said the outlet(a karaoke joint with illegal foreign workers) had been raided at least 10 times., it is somewhat unsettling to read that the entertainment outlet which employs illegal workers and GROs have been raided AT LEAST 10 TIMES by the Police and the local anti vice authorities! I am not sure what to think of the enforcers, that they have allowed the continued operations of the business blatantly done in defiance of the laws. This begs the questions:
- Are the fines and other penalties so trivial that the owners of the business gladly pay them and then commence again their "monkey business"?
- Don't the authorities have the power to close down the premise, and prohibit it from doing the same business again? In this respect, I am aware that in the licensing of gaming and 'entertainment' outlets, a SPECIFIC Police approval is required before such a licence is approved.
- Does that mean the police have approved the business to be carried out there, IN SPITE of having raided this particular outlet at least 10 times?
Why is the outlet still operating??
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Sex Predator in School?
- Police Report made on August 18, after continuous sexual harassment made by the "teacher"
- The person has been remanded for 7 days, but subsequently released and is still apparently teaching in the same school
- Sate Education Officer and State Police have confirmed the case.
- Report of harassment also reported to Health and Education Departments.
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
3 years to get the DNA of a dead bird??
"...The airport authorities suspect that the birds getting tangled into aircraft were swiftlets but there was no proof from Perhilitan to back their claims.It will take between two and three years for a DNA report to determine the species of birds that get tangled in the engines. They should get proof and provide data on how many accidents have been caused by swiftlets before asking the farmers to relocate...."
I was dumbfounded by the statement that it takes up to three years for somebody to identify the DNA of swiftlets? Other than the obvious cleverness in titling this report a "swift" decision, I feel such an important issue being treated so frivolously is NOT FUNNY at all. Firstly, if the airport authorities and MAS suspect that the birds that were sucked into the engines were swiftlets, the Department of Wildlife and Perhilitan should take immediate measures to ascertain the facts of the case, and that the swiftlet farms in Sepang DO NOT cause such dangerous incidents.Does Malaysia want to be the centre of some notoriety if one of the planes using the airport is brought down by swiftlets crashing into the Engines causing the deaths of hundreds of passengers? Knowing the fact that swiflet farms are in the vicinity, will Malaysia Airports Holdings be then deemed to be negligent, and be held responsible for the deaths? Why does Perhilitan allow the spokesperson of the Swiftlets Merchants Assocation to justify their existence (and to speak on Perhilitan's behalf) by announcing that it takes up to three years for anyone to determine the DNA of the birds that were sucked into the jet engines? Are our Ministries and Departments involved in this issue so inefficient that they cannot find a way to determine the DNA of the dead birds, say in three months? I think the travelling public deserves a proper explanation and better protection, from Malaysia Airport Holdings, not from the Swiftlet farmers..
Thursday, 8 October 2009
City Hall must be joking!!!
Come on, why are we having KPIs when such nonsense is continuously being perpetuated?
Have Toll conscessionaires got the BEST toll system?
This is surely NOT a satisfactory situation to be in, and I feel the concessionaire, has not properly evaluated or installed a system with proper controls, to completely eliminate this weakness. I understand that there are concessionaires who have eliminated this menace, by installing CCTVs on each lane, which takes as snap shot (frame grab) of the vehicle each time a Class 4 or taxi is indicated. At the end of shift, these 'frame grabs' are viewed by the supervisor, and if for example, a "non taxi" is classified as a taxi, appropriate action will be taken against the toll collector. Such a system will remove any doubt, and enhance the security of the Toll collections..I wonder if this concessionaire has considered this option, instead of relying on "traffic patterns" to do his job
What's there to hide, if Cybercafes are legal?
Bar Tinted Glasses
Malaysia a "politically maturing" society??
Extract... " The public punishes even the slightest indiscretion. Tainted leaders are condemned, discredited and hounded out of office without mercy. An example is what happened to Shoichi Nakagawa, a rising Japanese leader of prime minister material who quit as finance minister after appearing to slur at a press conference in April. Nakagawa, who was found dead on Sunday of yet unknown causes, apologised and resigned for the mere appearance of slurred speech. It cost Nakagawa his job and his career, what more a big-sized sex scandal like the one that hit Dr Chua in 2007...."Dear Barada,
I think most of of us, who do not care a hoot about MCA and its shenangins, (those members putting self interest over national interests), cannot but detect that your article is biased, to say the least. The MCA president must be pleased. I actually do not have any dislike for Dato OTK, but I am not particularly fond of Dato CSL either, though I feel he could have been a moderately successful "actor" in some movies. But I am writing to dispute your view that we are maturing society (though chronologically speaking I agree), and that we will not stand for any "tainted" politician or Government official to continue holding on to his position. You further illustrated this by describing what the Japanese Minister S. Nakagawa did, to the extent that he may have taken his life for some drunken impropriety while represnting the country. Give us a break!!! I am sure you have read all the news in the mainstream media, but mainly on the Internet, that our politicians are still alive and kicking after being deluged by all sorts of scandals and crimes, like rape of young girls, blatant corruption, staying in residences far beyond what their proven wealth would allow, alleged murders, being caught wearing only a towel with a young actress, overseas "training" junkets using Govt funds, proven to be involved in money politics, and many many more.Have you seen these guys declining to stand for elections, or even commit harakiri? Also, if you look at recent examples that English MPs getting into trouble using Govt funds to buy horse manure for their gardens, you can see how "corrupt" our politicians are. My personal view is that whether CSL or OTK will lose will not depend on MCA members voting "maturely", but rather on " politics" which actually will mean anything goes....................... God save us Malaysians....
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Malaysians are "slave drivers"
hired help: treat them with dignity
treat maids with dignity
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Online Gambling... a Curse??
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Socially Responsible Bank?
- destroy the forests (ie not finance or invest in Timber companies)
- manufacture plastic bottles and bags, which if left in the oceans, can be swallowed by turtles and the dolphins that it seeks to save
- construct residential properites on agricultural land
- construct premium properties on slopes of Hills that are more than 30% in gradient, and that includes Golf courses
- emit toxic effluents into our rivers
- are destructive to the land, eg mining and development of Golf courses
- have detrimentai effects on the environment
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
The Doctor is an Animal !!
Veterinarian’s service that really sucks
Question: Did the Squirrel die from over excitement, or did it die of asphyxiation?
Can Malaysians rise above Religious bigotry?
I am glad to highlight the letter written by my brother, Cowhead Protest a dastardly Act in which he has echoed my views on the matter, but which, he being the widely read one, has illustrated the despicable act by describing the bloody horse heads used by the Mafia to threaten their 'enemies'. We understand from many political blogs in the Internet, that there are 'godfathers' in UMNO too, but is 1Malaysia going to be sabotaged by these guys for their myopic interests? Or, I repeat, is the Government signaling its "intent" to win back the next elections at all costs? I think this time the rakyat is not stupid, and they will know sincerity and humility when the see them. Unless Dato PM wants to rule over a country filled with chaos and mediocrity... I will be dead by then, but my heart bleeds for our children...
Trying to see this episode objectively, and reading a random sample of the 100+ comments arising, I can see that the vast majority of the rakyat IRREGARDLESS OF RACE OR RELIGION ABHOR the cowhead incident, and the troublemakers at the dialogue called by the PR Govt. Vocal discontent, dissent and despair at temple talks Can the Federal Govt see beyond narrow political lines, and parochial localised politics, and realise that we the citizens REALLY want to have peace and harmony hinged on mutual respect? If the police AND the Home ministry have been reluctant to act against those hooligans because they are Muslims, they will know that the silent majority will approve the crackdown. Or, do you want us to think that the Fed govt is in cahoots with some 'warlords' to perpetuate this fiasco? When are we going to stop "using RACE and RELIGION" for political gain? Is 1Malaysia about such things?? It's a sad day that we have to witness such acts of "open" hatred and 'bullying' that goes unpunished. The Home Minister needs to pull up his socks,!!
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Social Responsibility and Tokenism
I have been watching the Prime Time News on NTV7 on a regular basis ( 8 pm), and I have observed a short advertisement on the felling of trees. The short clip first shows a screen full of trees, and they are being 'felled' to the sound of chainsaws, until only a single tree is left standing. The punchline came.. " What will we do when all the trees are gone?"
It's great to have programs that raise the public's awareness of our social responsibilities, and the things they do that destroy the environment and the Earth, leaving nothing for our future generations. However, I think this TV clip is directed at the wrong audiences. To be frank, what good can we do, even if we made aware of the plight of the diminishing forests? We can stop buying wooden furniture, not have wooden floors and houses, and try to plant some trees wherever we can find some space. But who is solely responsible for the felling of trees and the destruction of Primary and virgin forests around the world. The main culprits must be the timber corporations and the large plantation owners.Timber companies, for example, in order to survive MUST increase or at least maintain profits from their primary businesses each year, and that means they MUST continue to obtain new forest concessions and new trees to fell. Not doing so, would mean the certain demise of their companies. Likewise, plantation owners who must also continue to grow more crops and food for the world. Sustainable forest development to me, is just a dirty word. There is never an adequate replacement for a 100 year old tree, that has been cut down in less than 10 minutes.
So, my point is, what is the reason for showing that clip on TV? The only way we can prevent the punchline from happening ie "What will we do when all the trees are gone" is to STOP ISSUING ANY MORE APPROVALS FOR TIMBER CONCESSIONS, AND HAVE THE UNITED NATIONS PROTECT THE JUNGLES IN BORNEO AND THA AMAZON. Anything less than that will make all these 'shows' and 'statements' a symbol of sycophantic tokenism..
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Perils of an Expatriate life
Reading the letter from 'blissful Mama' In love but in crisis!! I would like to express my heartfelt sympathies to her, and I appreciate your 'diplomatic' wording of your reply and advice to her. You are really trying to help her, and put a positive spin to the matter so that you will not make the situation worse than it is. But speaking as an ex-expatriate, I would like to share my views of some perils of a family man working alone in a foreign country. The stresses are real, but so are the perks and the elevated stature that normally such a posting gives. I personally think that the husband is not telling the "exact" truth, when he says .." that sex makes him feel sick and weak (and) He constantly falls ill....." Coming from a previously happy marriage and a passionate wife, he must have loved the sex part of the marriage. If he loves his wife still and with the availability of Viagra, Levithra and Cialis, he would have still managed a happy marriage each time he returns from Dubai. I would read another reason for his sudden "disgust" with sex. It's most likely he is enthralled in a hot steamy love affair in the Middle East. With his expatriate earnings and elevated stature, many ladies will succumb to that heady 'mixture' of power and money. It's a natural aphrodisiac. Of course sex with his wife will make him "weak and tired", he has expended all his energy on his new found obsession.
I think it is the "correct" thing for you to say to 'blissful Mama', but I just want to let you know it is more likely a 'sinister' reason for the man to behave the way he does. It is a bit naive to think otherwise....
Friday, 28 August 2009
Carlsberg.. how to increase Sales.
We were distressed to read this bit of news this morning CARLSBERG PROFITS DOWN 22% and this is inspite of our unwavering and fervent efforts supporting the Golden Brew during Friday nights at Restoran Kor Kee in PJ Old Town (behind the decrepit bus terminal). We feel that even though you have a beer that beats the "others" pants down, you have not done enough to protect and increase your market share. We are sorely disappointed with your marketing team. In order to prevent further slide in your profits and to push Carlsberg to the Winner's pedestal, which it deserves, we humbly suggest the following:
- Increase your efforts to prevent the "Import" of foreign beer which, in spite of heavy duty, is selling cheaper than Carlsberg. A few examples of the foreign beers:.... Kingfisher Strong, Bavaria, Hollandia, Roberts Stout, San Miguel, Blue Ice, etc etc.
- Petition the Government and the Local Authorities under the Human Rights Freedom of Action principle, that Malaysians must be allowed to drink any brand of beer in coffee shops and the 'dirty' restaurants. Limiting the shops to sell (God Forbid) Tiger and Heineken is a breach of our constitutional rights. Talk to the Chinese coffee shops and dirty restaurants that it is to their benefit to provide more choices of beer, as that would naturally attract more dinner crazy customers
- Finally, and this is the most important suggestion; we do think you should employ lady promoters to push Carlsberg, more frequently, and most essential, send them to Restoran Kor kee on Fridays... Preferably filipinas, as they understand how we feel
Friday, 21 August 2009
Let me tell a factual story and put things in perspective. In 1996, one of the largest infrastructure construction and toll operations company in Malaysia, which I will call 'A', entered into a joint venture agreement overseas, with the government of an Asian country, which shall be 'B', to rehabilitate an existing segment of a highway, and to also construct new segments through one of the busiest sections of the country. Government B was responsible for the acquistion of land for the road, called the right of way(ROW), and Company A will bear all the construction costs, provide the systems and also training for the operations and maintenance of the completed highways. The joint venture agreement (JVA) signed between A and B, among other things, stipulated the Revenue Sharing arrangements. The JVA stipulated that until the construction costs, finance charges and interest have been FULLY recouped by Company A, the toll revenue (nett of operations costs) shall be shared in the ratio of 90:10 to A and B respectively. However, when those costs including loans, finance charges and interest have been fully recovered by A, the revenue (nett of operations costs) shall be shared in the ratio of 40:60 between A and B respectively. Unfortunately company A eventually disposed off the business to a local Investor, as Govt B could not raise the funds to acquire the ROW for continuation of the project.
Now what does the story tell us? It shows us undeniably that there is a need for concession companies in Malaysia to re-visit the toll rate, once they have collected sufficient revenue to repay their loans and other finance costs. It is then clearly immoral for these concession companies to continue raising toll fares, AND for the Government to approve it under those agreements. The fact that Company A in my story can agree to take a 50% less revenue in Country B after recovering their Finance costs shows that there is no need for such high toll fees, after the completion of construction of the expressways. It is not surprising then that the former UEM employees, in proposing to buy over PLUS, has also proposed to cut the toll rate by 20%.!!
The moral of the story? However which way the government decides to resolve the high toll fare issue for the public, the end result MUST be the drastic lowering of toll fares. We, the public have suffered for too long. Let us not wait longer...
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Something must be wrong with the IRB
If the IRB has included in making one of its KPI's as, .." All refunds of taxes of the previous year MUST be completed by September of the following year", we will not need that "fine tuning" that has been proposed and envisaged in the STD 2009. We have shifted to self assessment for about 10 years now, so I am at a loss to understand why it's still so difficult for IRB to pay refunds to the loyal taxpayers, especially those who are retired and depend on such refunds to survive, IN A TIMELY MANNER.. Maybe you should scrap the present computer system, and get a better one.?
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Well meaning, but are we not sending out the wrong message
Monday, 27 July 2009
The "route" that we all must take.....
However, I feel that in all such discussions and in the case as addressed by 'the sandwiched generation', wherein, he, as a retired person having children to look after, and is suffering from cancer, while taking care of his disabled mother who requires very expensive medical treatment, we have not considered a more holistic approach to terminal patient care as practised by the Hospice Organisations in the country. Such organisations, led by Hospis Malaysia, offer palliative care to those who ask for them, in homes of the patients, and encourage communication between family members and the hospice person involved. Aged parents and terminally ill people need to be loved, they understand the difficulties faced by the persons looking after them and do not want to b a nuisance. Sending those who are ill or disabled by illness to homes are at best good only for the conscience, and at worst will subject to the loved ones being abused by care givers who may even be illegally employed by the Homes! The Government should raise the national awareness of the availability of the services provided by the hospices and the 'angels' who tirelessly work to make the aged and terminall ill feel they are still loved. The Government should also strongly support ALL Hospice organisations in the country, as they form a bridge between the sufferor and the sufferees, besides making medical treatment and palliative care affordable. In the long term of course, the government should ensure that ALL Malaysians are covered by medical insurance, though in this era of an aging population and merciless profit making insurance companies, I fear it will not be possible..
I would like to end this by quoting from the Hospis newsletter that a terminally ill person " only wants what is in your mind and in your Heart". Malaysians must learn to care more.....
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Nation Building.... by an architect.
I have taken the liberty to send you this feature Absolutely floored, ARCHITECHTURE INSIDE OUT,By MOHAMAD TAJUDDIN MOHAMAD RASDI by Prof Dr Mohd Tajuddin, in part because I know you will not have to time to seriously browse through the papers, given the mess that those MACC guys got you into, but also because I was surprised and very impressed to have read such views from an unexpected source, a feature on buildings and architecture. Nonetheless, I think we would agree with what he has said, {if we really WANT to believe in 1Malaysia} and I take the chance to extract some of his views for us to ponder. :
Herein lies our problem. The attitudes of those in the administration are almost all against what your notion of 1Malaysia is about, and unless there is a revamp of thinking and attitudes at all those levels, Dato, you are bound to fail.I am no politician, only a humble old man, but I know you need more than just political backbone to change Malaysia, and I am reminded of a story about Gandhi.. In the midst of violent racial riots in India, a Hindu came to him and told him his son was murdered by Muslim mobs, and he wanted vengeance. And I understood that Gandhi instead took him aside, and told him to adopt a Muslim child whose parents have suffered a similar fate! In fostering multiracial unity in Malaysia, can we "adopt a child" of a different religion in our midst, say, can we see temples in the midst of a Malay kampong, and mosques in the midst of 'Chinatowns'? Can we have multiracial worhsipping places in schools, wherein no one religion has seemng superiority over the others? Of course it's not easy, and I never said it is. But if all those in the Administration do not want to "listen" to Gandhi, then I guess we can say goodbye to 1Malaysia, and Vision 2020, whatever that is...Extract.... " How can there be racial unity and tolerance if one ethnic group is sidelined right where they live?............But because town and city administrators are predominantly from one racial group, the sentiment seems to be “why should I help these immigrant groups”, or “my religion forbids me to help these people spread their religion”. Again, as a Muslim, I have to say that I feel such attitudes are far away from the true teachings of the Prophet Muhammad that I have come to understand..........Do you see why I wonder whether we’re serious about achieving racial unity? How can we say we are when we cannot even provide a proper neighbourhood gathering place?....."
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Calling a spade, a spade.... Susmaryosep!!
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Air New Zealand grabs attention...
The Perils of Screaming Sex
"..................A 16-year-old girl thought she heard her mother being assaulted by her boyfriend and rounded up some friends who beat him up, only to learn later that the couple actually were having sex, the woman and police said. The girl misinterpreted the woman's amorous screams,..............""
This news reminds me of an ex neighbor, more than 25 years ago, whose wife makes long moaning sounds like a cat on heat.. At first, we neighbors thought it was just that, 2 horny cats making out, but when it got too long and too loud, we came out to check, and found out the moans came out of the window next door, (52 Jalan 11/10).. Susmaryosep!! Another neighbor, a lady, was quite embarrassed by it, and had to tell the newly weds to quieten down the music.
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Import Skills, not Stupidity
May I quote him.. " “If I were in the Government today, I will allow intelligent people to come in. Give them a permanent resident status then, maybe later on, citizenship....We don’t allow intelligent people to come in while we allow our intelligent people to go out. At the same time, people with less intelligence are coming in and with great numbers,” Mahathir said, adding that as a net result, Malaysia would become “more and more stupid.”
While I feel Tun M should bear a portion of the blame, for "all the stupid" people that have crept into the country legally or illegally, I think it's not too late that the present Govt heed his call. From what little I know of the labour policies of most countries, including that of the Philippines, these countries like Australia and the rest of the Asia Pacific region will only allow skilled workers to come into their countries to work, reserving all menial labour and those NOT requiring special skills for locals. In Malaysia, the reverse seems to be true, as the Govt prefers to allow businesses and homes to "import" foreign workers to work, often under 'slave like conditions'.. Try interviewing the workers in factories, restaurants and plantations and you will understand what I mean. On the other hand, I have a VERY senior Govt official friend whose foreign wife, a Phd holder was unable to get a job, even after residing in the country for more than 12 years, besides being pushed about annually on her PR status renewal. Malaysians, especially those in Govt., should really learn to like and trust all other races, and not feel that anyone who has a diploma will be a threat to our security and 'culture'. It is quite "stupid" thinking, to borrow Tun M's word, for Malaysians to accept certain types of foreign workers while distrusting the more 'intelligent' types.
Is it because Malaysians in their hearts, like to practise slavery? God forbid
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Malaysia, haven for Gambling?
Are we taking effective actions to curb this gambling menace, or are we, to quote an erstwhile famous politician, "closing one eye" to this new internet 'business' in town? It takes very little intelligence to realise that, the next step that will be taken by these "operators" is to provide exactly the same 'mini casinos' right in the comfort of our homes. What can we do about this.?
Monday, 29 June 2009
"Brainy" people
YB Tan Sri,
Reading your comment to the question, extracted for ease of reference below, Service with an attitude I must say that you certainly know how to 'skew' some facts to justify the government's failings. While I do not dispute the fact that the 'smarter' non Malays have always opted for the private sector, I think it's a grave fallacy to think that the Malays in the civil service got promoted because they are 'brainier'!! How do you explain those non Malays, in spite of better performance and better confidential reports, STILL get overlooked for promotions, ALL the time in the Civil Service. Ask me, I can provide Tan Sri with some 'live' examples. And I leave it to my friends to comment on your statement that the Malays got promoted in the Civil Service because they are brainier.
Extract..(underline, mine) "Why do you think people are not applying? Is it because the non-Malays believe their prospects will not be so good?If you are talking about perception, please help me address that with the public. When I joined the civil service in 1974, I had 10 Malay housemates. Some of us had received degrees with honours, but none of us had first-class or second-class upper honours. I got second-class lower.
Some of my housemates got general degrees and couldn’t join the government. So, the best Malay brains joined the government. Those who got general degrees joined the banks and the MNCs (multinational corporations). My Chinese friends who had done well (in university), joined their fathers’ companies or the MNCs, or started their own businesses.
The not-so-clever ones joined the government. So when there are so many Malays in civil service – and the best ones at that – who joined the government, who gets promoted? The brainy Malays, of course.